
Approximately 85% to 90% of the 53-year-old family-owned company’s work is painting for newly built commercial projects, but Cherry Coatings also delivers onsite drywall finishing, elastomeric and intumescent coatings and industrial flooring finishes such as urethane cements, epoxy flooring, floor sealers and polished/decorative concrete. In its Austin shop, the company also applies high-performance coatings.

Cherry Coatings was fortunate in that many recently completed projects were awarded before the start of the pandemic and the firm had to hire additional personnel to complete them. Since 2019, Cherry has hired approximately 300 employees, bringing its personnel total to 1,100. Annual revenue increased by $18.16 million over 2019 to reach $79.89 million in 2020. The company also rose three spots on ENR Texas & Louisiana’s annual Top Specialty Contractors ranking to No. 24 for 2021.


The $100-million AT&T Discovery District project in Dallas is anchored by a 37-story tower that serves as AT&T’s headquarters. Cherry Coatings painted the exterior and interior of the building for AT&T, a legacy client of 35 years.
Photo courtesy of Cherry Coatings

During 2020, the company aligned with Centers for Disease Control and Prevention protocols and told its employees, “If you don’t feel comfortable coming to work, we’ll find a way to make it work for you remotely,” says Zip Drain, Cherry’s Southwest region president. He notes that to accomplish this, the company invested approximately $200,000 on IT equipment for managers to work at home. In total, the company spent $500,000 to protect its employees from COVID-19.

在2021年,一些项目被推迟新利18备用网址了,与过去两年相比,公司总裁Zack Cherry和他的兄弟Rocky,副总裁Zack Cherry认为,新兴市场的增长机会,招募蓝筹员工和多样化的新项目,并具有多元化,Zack Cherry的新项目开始了较少。Zack说,服务将在2021年将樱桃涂料定位为成功的收入增长。


去年,樱桃最大的项目 - 也是有史以来最大的项目 - 在德克萨斯州罗克(Round Rock)的卡拉哈里度假酒店(Kalahari Resort&Hotel)在奥斯汀郊外的Kalahari Resort&Hotel合同。2020年完成的另一个重大项目是Globe Life Field,这是德克萨斯州阿灵顿的德克萨斯游骑兵美国职业棒球大联盟球队的所在地。

In February, the company completed a $7-million contract in Dallas at the 51-story Thompson Hotel at The National, 1401 Elm Street — a mixed-use residential/hospitality project that is helping to revitalize downtown. Cherry Coatings has also recently worked on 10 Amazon facilities, which are multistory, million-plus-sq-ft distribution centers throughout Texas and the Southeast.


Catbird restaurant

樱桃涂料在国家国家的汤普森酒店(Thompson Hotel)绘制了猫鸟餐厅和剩下的室内装饰,这是达拉斯(Dallas)52层的第一台国家银行大厦的重建。
Photo courtesy of Cherry Coatings


Zack and Rocky’s grandfather, Edward Ray Cherry, established a painting business in the 1940s. His wife, Louise, handled the operations side while he was in the field or developed the business. In the 1960s, he rebranded as Ed Ray & Sons Painting to incorporate sons Pat and William into the family business.

“虽然我们的爸爸,帕特里克,在越南服役,grandfather closed his business, and when dad returned home, he worked for another painter, who died suddenly,” Zack recalls. “The general contractor was going to give the work to someone else, but my dad said to the contractor, ‘We’ll take the work.’” He and William, a former General Motors employee, completed the contract in 1968, and Cherry Coatings was the result.

—Rocky Cherry, Vice President, Cherry Coatings


但是洛基解释说,私有制具有灵活性。“您可以在逐局的情况下发挥创造力,从而变得更强大。而且,在家族企业中,您可以信任每个人并彼此依靠。”同时,家庭和企业并不总是很好地混合。洛基补充说:“就像丈夫和妻子一样,您可能会感到恼火,因此您必须保持专业人士并摆脱情感。”兄弟兄弟希望使公司家庭领导下一代 - 扎克有三个女儿,而洛基有两个。

独立性使该公司可以向许多当地慈善机构和教堂提供美元和实物服务,包括在奥斯汀地区为受虐妇女提供庇护所。该公司还选择为内森·亚当斯基金会(Nathan Adams Foundation)筹集资金,该基金会以樱桃涂料工作的9岁儿子的名字命名。这个男孩患有骨癌,由于公司的努力,他正在缓解,并有假肢,可以期待充实的生活。


At the Domain in Austin, the fourstory, 60,000-sq-ft Texas Restoration Hardware was completed this year. Cherry Coatings painted the interiors and common areas.
Photo courtesy of Cherry Coatings

Cherry Coatings plans no major changes because what the company is doing is working well. “We want to go places where people want to go,” Rocky says. “Business is very friendly in Texas, and Austin is a great example.”

虽然公司一直在寻找质量ployees, it has looked inward too, honing its employee training. “Most paint contractors are mom-and-pop shops and don’t have training programs,” Rocky says.

扎克说:“耕种是我们的核心价值之一,因此我们不仅强调发展自己,而且要发展自己的核心价值观。”首先,顶级领导者每月与商业教练会面,以帮助成为更好的领导者。中期管理级培训纳入了Jocko Willink的Echelon Front在线课程,重点是问责制,优先级,果断性和计划。运营团队培训计划的重点是工作执行。最后,公司图书馆为员工提供了对数字和有声读物的访问权限,以支持自我发展。

樱桃涂料新兵以满足未来的立即职位和需求。“文化对我们的公司非常重要,” Drain说。“当候选人与我们会面,他或她适合我们的文化时,我们会继续与他们联系。”


Photo courtesy of Cherry Coatings


3.85亿美元的卡拉哈里度假胜地酒店于2020年11月的第一周全额营业。在119英亩土地上,美国最大的室内水上公园有一个室内湖泊和河流,河流和一间水上滑动到外面,有7家餐厅和11家餐厅- 塔楼的酒店塔,设有1,000间客房。

“Cultivate is one of our core values, so we emphasize developing not only yourself but others.”
- 樱桃涂料总裁扎克·樱桃

樱桃涂料必须找到一个足够耐用的涂料系统,以维持所需的10年保修。“由于高度氯化的环境,所有者在水上乐园的钢基质有一些粘附问题,” Cherry运营副总裁兼项目经理Josh Langwell说。Langwell和他的团队与Sherwin-Williams合作,该公司提供了建议,模型并测试了最佳的高性能涂料系统。他们选择了大型氧基646快速固化环氧素涂层和Sher-Loxane®800面漆。兰威尔说,该团队总共采用了8,000加仑的两种涂料。


Finally, the owner and general contractor Hensel-Phelps wanted a barrel vault ceiling at the entrance to the water park to have a watery effect, but weren’t sure how to accomplish this. The initial design was a wallpaper that looked like water, but it didn’t achieve what the design team was looking for: the effect of moving, shimmering water.


Kalahari Resort & Hotel

Kalahari Resort & Hotel (above), the country’s largest indoor water park, opened in November 2020 at Round Rock, Texas. Cherry Coatings completed the interior and exterior painting on the Kalahari, the largest project in the firm’s history. Work also included a glitterflake finish that gives the barrel vault entrance a watery effect (below).

Kalahari Resort & Hotel




在Globe Life Field,该公司是两个绘画承包商之一,与曼哈顿建筑公司合作,签订了约400万美元的合同。
“I was excited to see us working on the locker rooms, weight room and dugout because it reminded me of playing back in the day,” says Rocky, who pitched for a short time with the Baltimore Orioles and Chicago Cubs.

“樱桃队是真正的团队成员。他们不断专注于工作的质量,并为提供高素质的饰面而感到自豪,无论是他们的绘画机组人员还是沃克斯。他们总是愿意提供帮助,并做该项目所需的事情。”总部位于俄克拉荷马城总承包商的高级项目经理Brett Marshall说。“正是这种承诺,奉献精神和对细节的关注使诸如球场之类的项目成为成功。”新利18备用网址