
The Corps estimates the cost of the entire project at $1.1 billion. Officials say the “optimized” plan is cheaper, adds more resilience and has a better cost-benefit ratio than other options considered by the study.

Downtown Charleston is located on a mostly flat, low-lying peninsula between the Ashley River, Cooper River and Charleston Harbor. Several hospitals are located in the flood-prone areas, and there are more than 12,000 structures collectively worth billions of dollars on the peninsula. The area sometimes experiences tidal flooding even without a storm, and the Corps study warned that a coastal storm making landfall at high tide “could be catastrophic for the community.”

查尔斯顿地区的军团开始研究2018年对半岛的沿海风暴影响。新利18备用可行性报告草案and environmental impact statement, released on Sept. 10, proposes building a 12-ft-elevation storm-surge wall around the perimeter of the peninsula.

“这是建立持久的沿海resilienc而设计的y for the medical community and all residents and businesses,” said Lt. Col. Andrew Johannes, commander and district engineer in a statement.


The plan also calls for oyster reef-based living shoreline sills to be created in some areas to reduce storm impacts on natural shorelines and marsh.

This is not the only strategy Charleston has pursued to mitigate flooding. As ENR previously reported, the city has undertakendrainage improvement projects旨在处理比目前水平高2英尺的海平面。
