A new scholarship program will assist Black anddisadvantaged历史悠久的黑人学院和大学的建筑领域学新利18备用习的少数族裔学生,以促进行业领导职务的多样性。美国和建筑管理软件制造商Procore Technologies的相关总承包商于9月22日表示,他们已合作推出Procore提供的25万美元挑战礼物。AGC发起了一项筹款活动,旨在满足并超过这一数额。


普罗普尔(Procore)首席人才帕特·沃德斯(Pat Wadors)表示:“这些奖学金的最终结果是增加非洲裔美国人在建筑业中的代表性,在建筑行业中,这些数字持续太长了。”

The scholarship program is part of an AGC effort to make the industry more diverse and inclusive, association CEO Stephen E. Sandherr said. “These new scholarships will put a new and more diverse generation of students on track to become tomorrow’s construction leaders and innovators,” he said.


The AGC Education and Research Foundation will administer the scholarship. It awards severalconstruction-related scholarships每年,并表示已向美国4,000名学生授予了超过1000万美元的奖学金。