

米勒·赫尔(Miller Hull)合作伙伴关系的生活建筑挑战服务总监克里斯·海尔斯特(Chris Hellstern)解释说:“水和能源系统,材料科学甚至景观都需要我们行业拥有的技术解决方案。”。”他认为,必须实现项目利益相关者进行解决的挑战。



Firms note five key continuing challenges:


总体而言,SSR负责人埃里克·谢弗(Eric Sheffer)说:“近年来,材料回收市场“近年来已经迈出了重大步骤”。“虽然不是普遍,但在许多城市中,找到优质的建筑/拆除废物回收商和运营废物回收越来越困难。”

As a result, recycling rates have suffered from project construction to the end of its lifecycle, he says. It is a challenge that has brought more attention to the types of building materials used in construction.

HMFH Architects Dillard的合伙人Suni Dillard说:“在所有建筑材料中,透明度仍然很困难。”“我们知道材料在他们的生活的各个阶段都有影响,但是我们对此的理解仍然有限。我们尝试简化我们设计的内容,并使用我们知道的产品并不有害。当我们不能,出于其他原因(例如耐用性或其他原因)时,我们会限制它们的使用。”


可持续性-focused water saving systems have been “the most difficult part of a project” because clients and architects are challenged to build a “business case” for them, explains Ted Hyman, managing partner at ZGF Architects.

“While projects have been doing a good job at reducing potable water for irrigation and toilet flushing, we need to rethink how all building and site water systems are designed to conserve, harvest, treat, recycle and reuse water to drastically reduce reliance on fresh water,” he says. “We also need to address district-scale water recycling and reuse, which is particularly important in urban areas, where individual buildings likely don’t have the building or site to implement water recycling and reuse strategies.”


3. Emergency Power

Even as more buildings switch to electric energy sources, emergency power is often provided from burning fossil fuels in the form of natural gas or diesel fuel. "To eliminate this equipment from the site, alternative strategies such as battery storage or hydrogen fuel cells can be considered, but the financial benefits of newer, clean technologies versus traditional generation is still challenging to prove,” says Jason Fierko, director of energy management at Ewing Cole. “Exploring financial incentives to the maximum extent possible and closely evaluating what must be on emergency power versus what is desired can help improve the financial evaluation by reducing system size and cost.”


4. Embodied and Operational Waste

SmithGroup可持续性公司公司总监Greg Mella说,改善建筑物运营资源消耗的策略通常被视为设计师的直接投资回报率,但是为此投资提供业务案例可能具有挑战性。

Mella说:“投资较低体现碳的产品的策略通常不会提供投资回报,并且很难说服客户对这些材料的直接价值。”"We’ve found the best way to overcome this challenge is to approach embodied carbon reductions by optimizing design, finding ways to meet programmatic needs by building less. This strategy can take many shapes: adaptively reusing existing buildings, designing spaces that are multi-functioning so smaller buildings can accomplish more, and optimizing structural and building systems to be more efficient using less materials. All of these approaches can save money and save resources.”

Still, even when all technology in a building is new and efficient, its occupants represent a potential unpredictable factor in maintaining operable sustainability.

“从技术角度来看,我们可以改善新建筑物中的几乎所有东西,”建筑生态学副总裁兼国家主任纳拉达·金(Narada Golden)说。WSP。“但是我们也在人与技术的交汇处工作,改变人们与建筑物和技术的互动如何继续在实现零碳建筑方面面临最大的挑战。”

Victoria Watson, senior associate of high performance buildings and communities at AECOM, says there is a lot of emphasis on reducing regulated loads (heating, cooling, ventilation, lighting) during design but not enough on monitoring buildings to reduce process and receptacle loads.

“We are increasingly including building analytics platforms in designs to enable collecting, organizing and analyzing operational data to ensure a building is performing as designed and can take advantage of continuous commissioning to stay on track,” she says. “The cheapest kWh is the one not generated at all. Intrinsically, conditioning of buildings requires energy, but there are items of conventional building design that can be challenged to help minimize the demand.”


Lastly, when it comes to implementing green building standards, not all projects are equal in being sustainably converted. For this reason, each project must be handled to its specific goals, explains Komal Kotwal, sustainable design leader for HOK's Texas region.
