

The City of Unalaska is planning to make improvements to Captains Bay Road. This project will construct paved road, drainage and utilities down Captains Bay Road to the vicinity of the Crowley dock. This will involve approximately two miles of drainage improvements from Airport Beach Road to Crowley, one mile of paving from Airport Beach Road to Westward, and one mile of water/sewer/electric utility extensions from Westward to Crowley. Construction of the first phase is expected to start in the summer of 2022. The project is valued at $54 million. City of Unalaska, P.O. Box 610, Unalaska, 99685. DR#17-00676680.


水晶泻湖计划在格伦代尔建造水晶泻湖度假村。它将设有11英亩的泻湖风格的水上乐园,三家酒店,其中包括600间客房,零售,剧院,娱乐骑行和40万平方英尺的地下停车场。这些建筑物是由JCJ Architecture设计的。Aecom Hunt和Killian Construction Co.是总承包商。该项目的价值为2亿美元。Crystal Lagoons,2 Alhambra Plaza,佛罗里达州珊瑚山墙,33134。DR#20-00723098。


Des Moines Buccaneers Hockey Team and Merle Hay Investors LLC are planning to convert the former Younkers department store space at Merle Hay Mall into a 3,500-seat multipurpose arena that will be the new home of the Buccaneers hockey team. The arena will have four sheets of ice—one for the Buccaneers and three others, all with bleacher seating, to host additional games, practices and tournaments. Also planned is a 150-room hotel. The project is valued at $130 million. Des Moines Buccaneers Hockey Team, 7201 Hickman Rd., Des Moines, 50322. DR#21-00583803.


The Kentucky Dept. of Finance and Administration is planning to renovate Ekstrom Library at the University of Louisville. The project is valued at $50 million. Kentucky Dept. of Finance and Administration, 403 Wapping St., Frankfort, 40601. DR#18-00868827.


Huber Engineered Woods is planning to construct a single-story, 800,000-sq-ft manufacturing plant in Cohasset. Groundbreaking may take place in the spring of 2022. The project is valued at $440 million. Huber Engineered Woods, 10925 David Taylor Drive, Charlotte, N.C., 28262. DR#21-00668453.


The City of Oklahoma is planning to modify and upgrade the South Canadian wastewater treatment plant to meet the new discharge permit limits/levels, increase the capacity of the plant, and upgrade the grit removal facilities. The project designer is CP&Y Inc. The project is valued at $114.5 million. City of Oklahoma Public Works Dept., 420 W. Main St., Oklahoma City, 73102. DR#15-00470649.


Harkins Development Co.计划在Tiverton建造Tiverton Heights公寓。它将包括275个单位,其中包括多户式建筑物,联排别墅和双工。该项目的价值在2500万至5000万美元之间。Harkins Development Co.,1907 E. Main Rd。,Portsmouth,02871。DR#17-00730619。


霍里县(Horry County)计划从康威(Conway)以北的美国高速公路701号扩大。319至22号高速公路至五个车道。改进的道路将包括车道和安装自行车/行人住宿,例如人行道和更广阔的旅行车道。正在进行的通行权收购正在进行中。预计建设将于2022年秋季开始。该项目的价值为6500万美元。霍里县(Horry County),ATTN:史蒂夫·高斯内尔(Steve Gosnell),基础设施助理县行政官,4401 Privetts Rd。,Conway,29526。DR#15-00437504。

Bids, Contracts, Proposals


Tunnell Cos。已开始在Millsboro的Baywo​​od Villas建造Bridlewood Farm。该开发项目将包括六座两层楼的公寓楼,其中包含144个单元,还有八个车库。Tunnell Cos。,34026 Annas Way,Long Neck,19966年。DR#18-00741161。


Silver Star Communications已在其2021年提供的所有三个山谷中设计了建筑计划,目前正在构建主纤维电缆。今年的最初阶段包括爱达荷州欧文和德里格斯的地区,以及怀俄明州的阿尔塔和阿尔卑斯山。该项目的价值在2500万至5000万美元之间。Silver Star Communications,550 s ..华盛顿街,怀俄明州阿夫顿,83110。DR#21-00674661。



11/1北印第安纳州通勤运输区正在寻求竞标者在贝弗利海岸进行南岸线双轨项目。AECOM是建筑师,HDR Inc.是该项目的土木工程师。该项目的价值为5000万美元。北印第安纳州通勤交通区,ATTN:托尼·西格蒙德(Tony Siegmund),采购经理,33 E.


2/1/22 Alameda County is seeking subcontractor bidders to build the five-story, 570-space Dublin Transit Center parking garage in Dublin. The project is valued at $34 million. Alameda County, Attn: Hadi Hadjarzadeh, 1401 Lakeside Drive, Oakland, 94612. DR#20-00778615. n