
总部位于新泽西州查塔姆(Chatham)的Tonix Pharmaceuticals计划在达特茅斯(Dartmouth)的新贝德福德商业园(New Bedford Business Park)建造45,000平方英尺的临床规模制造厂,预计将在2022年上半年运营。临床阶段的生物制药公司拒绝透露该项目的成本。

Dean Poillucci, New England regional business unit director for Woburn, Mass.-based IPS Engineering, the architect and engineer of record for the project, says Cardinal Group is performing slab cutting and removal to accommodate underground utility services and preparing fittings for the new 4,000-sq-ft Butler building prefabricated warehouse-type structure that will be added to one corner of the existing estimated 1970s-era structure. The firm also will modify the facade and make interior structural improvements or additions to support equipment, he says.

Cardinal Group’s New England construction division is taking an integrated project delivery approach “to match the technical expertise and experience required to deliver the project with the quickest delivery schedule possible,” IPS said. It noted “the project is unique, as Tonix is a virtual company and this project is its first facility of this type.”


Nikola Truck Manufacturing

Detroit-based Walbridge has substantially completed construction of the first phase of Nikola Motors' 270,000-sq-ft manufacturing facility in Coolidge, Ariz. Construction began on the $600-million facility in July 2020. Nikola's trucks are powered by hydrogen and the company plans to build out hydrogen stations between central Arizona and Los Angeles.



弗吉尼亚州盖恩斯维尔(Gainesville)的CTP-1 LLC正在开发一个3亿美元的数据中心综合大楼,该公司通过Corporation Services Company进行了注册,该公司用来掩盖其参与项目的公司数据中心组织。新利18备用网址该项目将涉及四个两层数据中心,从114,330平方英尺到132,750平方英尺。居民担心中心将需要一条高架传输线。申请人表示,如果项目需要这样的行,它将不会建立中心。该项目的土木工程师是JCL咨询。

Bright Green Corp.

Cannabis Research Facility

Bright Green Corp.计划在5月份宣布,在北卡罗来纳州的Grants建造大麻制造和研究机构。该设施将生产大麻和其他草药,并包含存储,包装和医学研究空间。第一个结构将在20英亩的土地上为600,000平方英尺,将在九个月内完成。第二和第三座建筑物将在单独的50英亩土地上架设,并需要18个月的建筑物才能建造。该项目的价值为3亿美元。

DPR: Facebook Data Center


Image courtesy of Facebook



- 德勤和制造学院

Construction has begun on an $800-million data center for Facebook on a 390-acre site in Mesa, Ariz. The 960,000-sq-ft project is Facebook’s first data center in Arizona. Redwood City, Calif.-based DPR Construction is leading the design-build team. From design and construction forward, the Mesa facility will be among the most advanced energy- and water-efficient data centers in the world, according to Facebook. The facility will use solar power, supplied by Tempe, Ariz.-based utility Salt River Project.