达拉斯 - 沃思国际机场的六个预制模块已在达拉斯 - 沃思堡国际机场驶入了80,000平方英尺的新大厅。这些模块是在8月26日至9月9日之间以自行形成的模块化运输商交付的,是北美机场的首次。

这些模块配有金属面板和玻璃,在整个飞机场上运输了四分之一英里,其中包括90°转弯,每隔晚上从预制码到现场,三个SMPT在5 mph时并行移动。

“It took about 45 minutes or less to move from the fabrication yard across the runways, under the [Skylink people mover guideway], between columns,” says Thomas Haag, national director of aviation with the Walsh Group. Each module was jacked up 8 ft and set in place adjacent to Skylink.

The design-build team is led by Walsh Group’s Archer Western, H.J. Russell, Phillips/May and PGAL.

The largest module weighs 550 tons and is 86 ft x 86 ft x 33 ft. Each module was prepped onto the SPMTs in the morning and moved that night during a six-to-eight-hour window.


Learn how a team moved an entire 80,000-sq-ft concourse into place in 10 days, navigating an active airfield.

“Every other night over 10 days: Six moves, flawless execution,” says Haag.

But the seemingly straightforward operation included vast amounts of planning and engineering. The team worked closely with SPMT provider Mammoet.
“这就像你有两组的大脑,”说Michael Lloyd, principal with the architect PGAL. “We designed the terminal as you would for a final outcome, and a really traditional approach. The end result is paramount for the passenger experience and performance for the airport and airlines. But how to construct in a modular manner? We designed a frame system that would support the building but also had to think about it as a repetitive system … all the while thinking ahead of how it will be lifted in place and not flex uncontrollably.”

亨德森·罗杰斯(Henderson Rogers)结构工程师的高级合伙人Vivek Gurjar说,这些模块是为三种条件设计的,即预制院,用于运输和最终环境。工程师考虑了许多因素,包括每个模块的重量,其高度,基于Mammoet所需的底面间隙,SPMT的配置,临时底座的高度,支持制造场中的模块,甚至在机场路面上的高程差异。

“Every inch counted,” Gurjar says.

Gurjar notes that on average, there were 15,000 lb on each of the 64 wheels of each SPMT during the moves.

Blake Christian, the team’s program manager, says each move navigated a “forest of columns” with tight tolerances and clearances from every angle.


A module travels on SPMTs next to existing Skylink aerial guideway.
Photo courtesy of Julie Ludeman/DFW

Innovation Emphasis

The team responded to a request for qualifications that emphasized innovation, drawing upon three decades of experience with accelerated bridge construction, says Haag. Its proposal received approval in October last year, and design immediately began for the planned moves beginning Aug. 26.

“We dual-tracked the site and fabrication construction, including demolition,” says Christian. Gurjar adds that the team could spend up to 20 hours a week just on coordination calls.

DFW高级项目经理朱莉·卢德曼(Julie Ludeman)表示,设计建造的部分包括9320万美元的保证最高价格。工作范围包括建筑物信封,与站点实用程序的连接,系统以及与终端C的连接。

At about 65% completion, remaining ongoing work includes the stick-built steel frame and clerestory elements, module connections and panel and roof detailing, says Lloyd. Crews are also building ground-level elements such as airline support areas and baggage connections.

The concourse is expected to open in summer of 2022. The modular method shaved at least 22% off the schedule, says Khaled Naja, DFW executive vice president, noting that other airport executives have shown interest. “This is a paradigm shift” in airport construction, he says.