




Moving forward after initial jobsite disruptions, the data shows that most Top 400 general contractors and construction management companies leaned on projects in their pipelines to keep 2020 revenue strong.

A majority of firms reported backlog abundance from a strong 2019. More than a few mid-size firms reported backlogs that can carry them as far as the second quarter of 2022. Larger firms report backlogs lasting well into 2023.



Many firms indicate that multitiered worker shortages will be the biggest 2021 challenge, compounded by low vaccination rates—which can increase risk of outbreaks, slow productivity, increase lead times and decrease project certainty.

Shortages of raw building materials such as copper, lumber, iron pipe and steel are also of immediate concern. Suffering under long lead times, some projects are shelved until further notice, putting firms back into a pandemic pause.

梅塞尔建筑公司高级副总裁兼首席运营官Mark Luegering说:“这些问题是由于繁忙的建筑市场需求而引起的,并且由于工厂的关闭关闭而减少了生产,这会造成积极影响的时间表和成本承诺。”

When asked about customers’ No. 1 request, Top 400 contractors overwhelmingly report that eliminating risks related to a project’s costs and schedule led the list. Amid labor and materials shortages, some firms are addressing this by stepping up their preconstruction planning efforts.

Hoar Construction总裁特纳·伯顿(Turner Burton)说:“这些前建设的努力不仅仅是估计,而且我们的建筑过程不仅仅是在质量保证的情况下安全地建立。”

“Owners are always looking for more certainty in a project, from schedule to quality to costs,” Burton adds. “That’s why we’re focused on improving the entire development process.”