A $477 million Environmental Protection Agency loan will help advance water infrastructure projects in Virginia’s Hampton Roads region.

The low-interest loan, given under the Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA) and announced Sept. 10, is the second piece of $1 billion in assistance the EPA is providing to the Hampton Roads Sanitation District (HRSD) as the local agency works to replenish the Potomac Aquifer, address rising sea levels and help protect the Chesapeake Bay.

The money will support HRSD’s Sustainable Water Initiative for Tomorrow (SWIFT) program, with about half going toward new projects that will reduce nutrients and sediment released into waterways. The second half of the funds will go toward ongoing work building “full-scale SWIFT facilities” that return clean water to the aquifer.


The pumping station will send wastewater about 4 miles across the river to another facility in Nansemond for treatment before that water is discharged. Local officials said “a significant portion” of water treated at Nansemond will meet drinking water standards under SWIFT, allowing it to be returned to the aquifer instead of the river as it would have been before.

If the projects work as planned, SWIFT will eventually reduce HRSD’s wastewater discharges into the Chesapeake Bay watershed by 90%.



AECOM’s Norfolk, Va., office is serving as engineering consultant on the projects.


HRSD总经理Ted Henifin表示,低廉的Wifia贷款将在30年内将该机构的项目成本降低近5亿美元。新利18备用网址新利18备用官网登录

“It’s all pretty amazing investments by our region for the future, solving multiple problems,” he said.
