
新泽西州查塔姆的Tonix Pharmaceuticals计划在达特茅斯(Dartmouth)新贝德福德商业园(New Bedford Business Park)建造45,000平方英尺的临床规模制造设施。该设施预计将在2022年上半年运营。


新英格兰地区沃本(Woburn),马萨诸塞州沃本(Woburn)的IPS工程师,该项目记录的建筑师和工程师Dean Poillucci表示,红衣主教集团的工作人员参与了平板切割和拆除,以适应地下公用事业服务,并为新的配件准备新的配件。“巴特勒建造预制的仓库类型结构。”该团队计划在现有的70年代ERA结构的一个角落增加4,000平方英尺的添加。他说,工作人员将修改立面并进行内部结构改进或增加设备。

"The project is a significant renovation; all that remained of the existing building were the roof and walls," says Bill Held, principal at the Cardinal Group of Woburn, Mass. The Cardinal Group’s New England construction division is taking an integrated project delivery approach “to match the technical expertise and experience required to deliver the project with the quickest delivery schedule possible,” IPS said. It noted “the project is unique as Tonix is a virtual company and this project is their first facility of this type.”



“We started engaging on the construction side way before the design was developed, giving them as much advance notice as possible and letting them know we wanted them to be part of the project; that is absolutely the key piece,” Poillucci says. “For people who come out of the gate cold, and want to start calling contractors, the availability is not there for that type of reaction,” he says

IPS as an integrated engineering, procurement and construction management (EPCM) company, was also “able to stagger the design to meet the long-lead material items and order those way in advance over normal method of delivery,” Poillucci says. This allowed it to “highly mitigate the long lead time issues with equipment and materials.”




托尼克斯总裁兼首席执行官塞思·莱德曼(Seth Lederman)表示,该项目提供了“竞争优势,尤其是在目前需要更多国内开发和制造能力的Covid-19环境中。”

Lederman supported opening the plant near Boston because of the pool of life sciences talent there, but opted to locate 60 miles south of the city to avoid traffic congestion and real estate costs.

Poillucci说,宾夕法尼亚州贝尔的支柱工程设计了IPS的结构钢设计子培养基设计了一种“满足设施和建筑需求的机械过程要求”的结构,Poillucci说。Due to the facility type, two key challenges involved “a large amount of coordination with the manufacturing spaces below the structure and assuring that the vertical heights of the building available to the project weren’t compromised due to the stacking of the structure in the existing space,” he says.

Steel reinforcement was required to accommodate heavy equipment at roof penetrations and at the openings of area intake and exhaust plenums, Poillucci adds.