A nuclear fusion startup led by scientists at MIT on Sept. 8 announced a major advance that the team says could pave the way for the world’s first commercial fusion power reactor by the end of the decade.

Researchers at Commonwealth Fusion Systems (CFS) and MIT’s Plasma Science and Fusion Center (PSFC) conducted a successful test of key magnet technology that generated a sustained field of more than 20 teslas, a unit of intensity for magnetic fields (one newton force per ampere of current per meter of conductor). Findings were announced in a Zoom press conference.


The power production will be enough to operate the firm’s planned, compact fusion test reactor, called SPARC, and scheduled for a test in 2025, researchers announced.


英联邦融合首席执行官鲍勃·穆姆加德(Bob Mumgaard)说,“破纪录”磁铁测试结果将为“首次通往融合功率的清晰途径”。“That has never been done before—more energy out than in.”




Manageable Size, Manageable Price

该项目的价格为5亿美元,也比Iter小得多,Iter耗资数十亿美元。麻省理工学院研究副总裁玛丽亚·祖伯(Maria Zuber)说,测试工厂和后来的商业飞行员的设计“要模块化”,其能力“可以进出,而不是几个月来拆除”。







That project is expected to cost hundreds of millions to build, with hopes of having the test reactor and a manufacturing facility built by next year.

A big plus of fusion energy is the combination of a potentially limitless source of energy using readily available fuel—hydrogen—with fairly manageable waste, researchers say.

That limitless supply could give fusion a major edge not just over fossil fuels, but also renewable sources of energy that are weather dependent, saidRanganathan Gopalakrishnan, a mechanical engineering professor at the University of Memphis who is involved in his own research project around the use of nuclear fusion to generate power.



“There is still a long way to go,” Gopalakrishnan said. “This is the first time where they have gotten so much energy out compared to what they put in. “That is definitely a breakthrough.”