Consigli Construction的Matt Tonello Project主管说,尽管夏天非常潮湿,但上个月开始在缅因州缅因州鲍登学院的北极研究中心开始木材勃起。Tonello说:“这是缅因州的第一个完整的大规模木材商业结构,也是缅因州第一个利用大型木材横向系统来抵抗风和地震载荷的商业结构。”

鲍登学院(Bowdoin College)财务与行政管理高级副总裁马修·奥兰多(Matthew Orlando)说:“我们很高兴大众木材是鲍登(Bowdoin)最新建筑项目的组成部分。

"Cross-laminated timber offers an environmentally conscious alternative to other building materials and is in line with the college’s commitment to making sustainable choices whenever possible,” he adds.



“The field team has completed mass excavation and concrete foundations, steel erection at grade level and placement of the first-floor slabs” for the CAS building, Tonello says. Timber erection is set to continue through Nov. 15.

Mass-Timber Superstructure


在早期设计阶段,HGA的工程师和Consigli的前构造经理通过协作的努力“能够通过多个横向系统选项进行迭代,并选择了一个可以提供单个贸易结构系统架设的好处- 从钢,混凝土,砌体和钢筋替补的四个交易的协调和测序中,从地板平板开始工作,” Tonello说。

Lauren Piepho, HGA's structural engineer for the project, says the decision to use a mass timber lateral system to resist wind and seismic loads was more of a logistics decision than a performance one. The team began with masonry shear walls in early design, but “determined that CLT shear walls would be significantly faster to install and require much less labor,” she says.

上层建筑将包含跨层压的木地板和屋顶板。Piepho说:“横向系统是利用CLT楼梯,电梯芯和剪切壁设计的。”“ CLT的地板和屋顶由Glulam Timber梁和圆柱以及与钢带绑在一起的屋顶纤维支撑。”所有木材材料均来自奥地利的KLH。

Managing Material Lead Times

The project’s greatest challenge so far has been dealing with commodity material lead times amidst extreme volatility and securing an available skilled workforce, Tonello says. The team secured pricing for the mass timber in fall 2020 ahead of significant lumber price increases. “We were able to secure firm fixed price contracts on steel and metal deck prior to the run ups we saw in the spring of 2021,” he says. It then ordered and locked in the mass timber package in February more than 20 weeks from the first truck delivery date of Aug. 15.

Tonello在8月初指出:“ 6月份以每千英尺1,500美元的价格上涨的木材价格大幅上涨已恢复到几个月内每千英尺500美元。”为了保护项目免受提前时新利18备用网址间挑战的侵害,该团队最近除了在鲍登校区两英里以内的四英亩地点外,在缅因州波特兰获得了10,000平方英尺的仓库,为安装人员提供了卸载和存储的地方材料提早交付,直到准备运送到工作地点。

Code Compliance


The design team selected a one-hour rated structure under the IBC Type V-A Protected Wood Frame building type, along with the corresponding NFPA Type V (111), which both allow mass timber for three-story mixed-use buildings that include business, assembly and storage uses.


The college is one of ten institutions toreceive a $1-million awardfrom the U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service in partnership with the U.S. Endowment for Forestry and Communities to support expanded use of mass timber in construction.

通过在CAS和Mills Hall中使用大型木材框架,该学院是reducing the carbon footprint of the building construction如果使用钢架,则不到四分之一。

Piepho says “modern mass timber is revolutionizing the possibilities for wood construction." it’s high strength-to-weight ratio allows for an efficient superstructure and foundation system, all of which supports the college’s commitment to environmental responsibility and carbon neutrality, she says.
