Contractors are struggling to find enough skilled craft workers even as they continue to be impacted by pandemic-induced project delays and supply chain disruptions,根据劳动力调查from the Associated General Contractors of America and Autodesk. The survey results show how the COVID-19 pandemic has created constraints on the demand for work even as it limits the number of workers that contractors can hire.

Almost nine out of 10 surveyed contractors reported they are having difficulty finding craft workers. Meanwhile, 88% of the 2,136 participating decision-makers from a range of several contractor types said they are experiencing project delays and nearly all, 93%, said their businesses have been affected by rising materials prices.

For comparison, 52% of a similar-sized group of contractors said they were having a hard time finding enough craft workers在去年的调查中

"Nearly nine out of 10 firms are experiencing project delays among all respondents."
Ken Simonson, chief economist for the AGC

"Nearly nine out of 10 firms are experiencing project delays among all respondents," said Ken Simonson, chief economist for the AGC, at a Sept. 2 press conference. "75% cite delays due to longer lead times or shortages of materials while 57% cite delivery delays. 61% of firms said that their projects are being delayed because of shortages among those of their subcontractors. Delays due to the lack of approvals or inspectors or an owner's directive to halt or redesign a project were cited by 30% of contractors."


而且,“将近60%的人表示,他们预计技术采用率将在未来12个月内进一步提高,” Autodesk的建筑思想领导总监艾莉森·斯科特(Allison Scott)说。“因此,在组织层面上,我们与AGC的研究还发现,今年将近一半的公司采用了项目管理技术,超过四分之一的受访者报告了采用其他类别的工具,例如估计竞标,文档管理,劳动力管理和现场安全。”


Scott said that construction will have to look for more ways to partner with local, state and federal officials and trade groups such as AGC to meet the challenge of its workforce difficulties. She also said diverse outreach to women and minority groups is essential to the industry's future.

"Firms are driving toward a focus on trying to meet talent where they are, amping up social media presences, trying to get a peek behind the jobsite fence and giving folks a perception of what kinds of roles and skill sets are really out there for the modern construction workforce and as technology partners to this industry," she said.

Stephen Sandherr, CEO of the AGC, said that Congress and the Biden administration should work together to increase investments in career and technical education and other workforce development measures.

"It's important to note that the federal government currently spends only $1 on career training for every $6 plus into college prep," Sandherr said. "That is $120 billion a year for colleges and only $20 billion a year for career training. Despite the fact only one in three jobs requires a full college degree. This funding gap for career training is one of the main reasons so many contractors have a low opinion of the current pipeline for preparing new craft construction professionals. Boosting federal investments in career and technical education will help attract and prepare more people for high paying careers in construction."




密苏里州斯普林菲尔德的Carson-Mitchell公司总裁/首席运营官克里斯·卡森(Chris Carson)表示,尽管他的公司能够满足其大部分劳动力需求,但密苏里州和阿肯色州的分包商社区却没有。




"In the situation where you're the general contractor on a hospital, and you employ or contract a series of specialty trade subcontractors to perform work on that project, you have suppliers coming into the project. You have building inspectors coming onto the project. And with these vaccination mandates that come from public and private project owners, it basically sets the general contractor up to be the policeman ... to make sure everybody who steps on that site has had, or has been vaccinated."

He added: "You can't compel your subcontractors to provide information on that or your suppliers and you can't control if a city building inspector wants to enter that site."

Both Carson and Brett Strassel, vice president of operations at Hedrick Brothers Construction in West Palm Beach, Fla., said they have no plans to mandate vaccinations for their companies at this time.

"We're letting everybody handle their personal health on an individual basis with their primary care physician and their family," Carson said. "We are not going to make anything mandatory other than following the CDC guidelines, OSHA and AGC to have a healthy and safe work environment."


Supply Chain Woes

Carson and Stressel both said materials procurement was still the biggest issue facing them.

“我们是一个大的块builder down here and never in my 25 years in the field have I run a problem getting the delivery of block that afternoon or the next morning. Now, we're routinely looking at 30 days, which is just alarming," Strassel said.

He adds that Hedrick Brothers has also seen "tremendous delays" on metal- and steel-based products, adding: "That's our number one issue down here by far is getting things moving forward."

Carson said he does not foresee the supply chain and logistics challenges plaguing contractors changing very soon.