A notoriously slow Southern Nevada interchange has the ironic distinction of being a neighbor to the Las Vegas Motor Speedway. Soon, however, motorists, while not reaching NASCAR speeds, will be able to zip through the connection of Interstate 15 and Clark County 215, about 10 miles north of downtown Las Vegas.

I-15/215 Northern caltway交汇处(即“ Quepway Bowl”)是内华达州运输项目,旨在改善北拉斯维加斯及其重要物流行业的快速增长的高速公路通道。位于新交汇处以东的仅街区是亚马逊,联邦快递,床浴和超越和丝芙兰的主要分销中心。NDOT估计,最终项目成本由联邦政府资助95%,为1.1亿美元。NDOT居民工程师Nathan Enos说:“我们的交通很大一部分是商业卡车运输。”“我们的项目区域是繁忙的商业混凝土批处理厂,内利斯空军基地,内华达州国民警卫队军械库和几个亚马逊履行中心的I-15的主要通道。”

The project also promises to offer a welcome home to residents of the existing bedroom communities—and those under development—along the beltway to the west. Besides the project’s big-job metrics—like requiring 116,000 tons of aggregate road base and 3,500 tons of reinforcing steel—are items such as 48 decorative boulders and 32 low-water-use plants. Those will make up part of the installation of rock and roadside sculptures by landscape architect Lage Design to showcase the role of water in the desert metropolis.

NDOT助理居民工程师Luke Rollins说:“我们将在整个项目中构建声音墙,美学和景观建筑元素。”

dump truck on a highway construction site


明年年底完成后,该项目还将将215环路扩大到六个车道,从四个车道,建造双车道的天桥,将环环与I-15连接起来,并在Tropical Parkway上添加新的出口和入口坡道,这是一条与两者相连的地面街道交汇处的高速公路。

In early 2020, NDOT awarded the $99-million construction contract to Dickinson, N.D.-based Fisher Sand & Gravel. The company won an American Public Works Association Project of the Year Award in 2019 for its work on Interstate 11, which is being developed between Las Vegas and Phoenix. Project designer Atkins began its work in 2015, finishing in late 2019.

The speedway bowl project entails building two cast-in-place concrete flyovers as well as other structures, including a 51-ft-tall, 1,800-ft-long east-to-north connection. The structures sit atop a network of drilled pilings that reinforce the subsurface, with the largest measuring 10 ft in diameter and 104 ft deep.
Construction began in May 2020 during the deepest part of the pandemic and its restrictions—leaving the project team with little history of best practices to fall back on.



“最初,关于社会距离如何在工作场所工作的共识没有太多共识。例如,如果所有人都戴着口罩,可以在混凝土倾倒上紧邻五个人?”埃诺斯说。“承包商[Fisher Sand&Gravel]在浏览不确定性方面做得非常出色,符合OSHA指南的转移,该项目中的所有分包商和服务提供商也是如此。

“With so much uncertainty about people’s health and the economy, I am really proud of how everyone pulled through, kept focused on the job we had before us and were able to still construct a quality product,” he says.



“We tried to pre-buy as many materials as we could.”
— Robert Nelson, Nevada Area Manager, Fisher Sand & Gravel

Installation went on as scheduled. “Service was never interrupted, and the new lines are currently in service,” says Enos. The project also had to cope with the financial impact of the pandemic.

“We faced many challenges, such as procurement of construction materials and supplies along with the associated price increases,” says Robert Nelson, Nevada area manager for Fisher Sand & Gravel. “We tried to pre-buy as many materials as we could.”

大流行的一个好处constructi关闭on work was the cancellation of events at the nearby speedway. The interchange serves as the gateway to the venue, which seats 80,000 and hosts music festivals that attract almost twice that many people.

Now, with major events set to resume in the fall, NDOT has plans to deal with the mammoth crowds they will attract.



The new speedway bowl interchange will improve access to Clark County 215, a 53-mile semicircular beltway that goes from Henderson in the south, past the residential developments in far west Las Vegas and into the northern part of the valley, which is seen as a frontier of growth. The interchange anchors the northeast beltway terminus, while the also under construction $300-million Centennial Bowl will serve the northwest. [ENR Southwest, March 2020 and March 2021.]

克拉克县专员贾斯汀·琼斯(Justin Jones)说:“ 215是内华达州南部运输基础设施的关键部分,将居民社区与商业和娱乐区联系起来。”

