
池塘,总部位于亚特兰大的工程,规划和建筑服务公司,最近命名洛林绿色作为首席执行官。格林于2008年加入该公司担任能源计划主管后,迅速担任高级领导职务,并于2018年被任命为总裁。2021年,格林被任命为总裁兼首席运营官的职位。格林任命担任首席执行官职位,庞德(Pond)的前首席执行官托尼·帕克(Tony Parker)在该公司工作了32多年后即将退休。

“It is an incredible honor to serve as the CEO of Pond. I am so proud of the meaningful growth we’ve made as a company in the past decade and am grateful to Tony Parker and the board of directors for their confidence in me to continue that progress,” said Green.

“There is no doubt in my mind that Lorraine will do an outstanding job growing and leading the company into the next era,” said Parker.

马克斯·洛(Marques Lowe)

JE Dunn Construction已促进马克斯·洛(Marques Lowe), a 24-year industry veteran, to the role of regional safety director for its East region. In this role, he will provide overall direction and leadership on safety and health matters and will implement safety programs and methods, provide statistical reports and lead training activities.

Mishaune Sawyer

承包商还宣布雇用Mishaune Sawyeras its senior manager of diversity, equity and inclusion for the company’s East region. She has more than 19 years of professional experience, including working across industries in the diversity, equity and inclusion space.



鲍勃·克莱默(Bob Kramer)

Skanska晋升鲍勃·克莱默(Bob Kramer)副总裁 - 客户经理。In this role, Kramer will continue to oversee Skanska’s project teams in southwest Florida and take on the account manager role for the state’s southeast region. He has 19 years of construction industry experience.

Daniel Abou-Jaoude

同样在佛罗里达州,承包商宣布晋升Daniel Abou-Jaoude副总裁 - 客户经理。Abou-jaoude将提供支持,以扩大Skanska的K-12项目管道在大坦帕,奥兰多,南佛罗里达州和迈尔斯堡地区。在Skanska的15年中,他完成了35 k-12和高等教育项目,价值5.24亿美元。新利18备用网址

Emmanuella Myrthil

HNTB has promotedEmmanuella Myrthil向其东南部部门的新多样性计划主管角色。Myrthil位于亚特兰大,将在客户推广和业务多样性计划上合作,并将监督计划运营,以确保项目团队符合合规性规则和法规,计划目标和客户目标。Myrthil在亚特兰大领导了HNTB的多样性,公平和盟友计划,以创造文化效率,共同的学习和增加与客户和公众的参与。

麦克米兰·帕兹丹·史密斯(McMillan Pazdan Smith)建筑最近推广安东尼·蒂伯利亚到社区工作室主任的职位。高级副建筑师提比利亚(Tiberia)在该公司工作了16年。除了建立,沟通和执行工作室的愿景外,Tiberia还将监督工作室建筑师的工作以及年轻工作室成员的领导指导。

总部位于迈阿密的Frontier Building是一家总承包商和建筑管理公司,最近任命史蒂文·萨克斯作为业务发展经理。在这个职位上,他将管理国家零售帐户并实施营销策略,同时与零售,酒店和发展行业中的决策者建立新的本地和国家关系。