As first responders continued search and rescue operations one day after Hurricane Ida came ashore Aug. 29 in Louisiana as a Category 4 hurricane, with sustained winds of 150 miles per hour and higher, the state began the long task of assessing the storm damage—from Port Fourchon, La., which handles 18% of U.S. offshore oil traffic to New Orleans, the state capital in Baton Rouge and the state's northern border.

路易斯安那州州长约翰·贝尔·爱德华兹(John Bel Edwards)(D)在8月30日下午的新闻发布会上说:“接下来的几天和几周并不容易。”

New Orleans Mayor LaToya Cantrell said there was no widespread major destruction in the city and no reports of of massive loss of life. There were 18 water system outages impacting more than 312,000 people, and 14 boil-water advisories affecting more than 329,000 people across Louisiana, Edwards said Aug. 30.


[Read more about Ida's impacts to Louisiana's power grid here]

Structural assessments of the worst hit areas, such as Port Fourchon and Grand Isle, where Ida came ashore, were still ongoing. U.S. Rep. Garrett Graves (R), who represents south Louisiana, flew over the port and took a photo of the seemingly leveled port facility.

Levee System Holds Up

根据所有报告,这笔146亿美元Hurricane and Storm Damage Risk Reduction System,,,,built after Hurricane Katrina in 2005, prevented the New Orleans metropolitan region from flooding.

“The hard structures held up. The pump stations held up and they did their part," says Wayne E. Jones, project manager at Traylor Bros, involved in the structure's construction. "It’s the soft structures outside the perimeter storm surge defenses that took the hit, but they did provide a great benefit to protect everything else.”

Jones planned and executed construction在新奥尔良的1亿美元内港导航频道风暴屏障中,这是飓风风险和减少系统的一部分。他因在该项目上的领导才能新利18备用获得ENR 2013年卓越奖。

Matt Roe, US Army Corps of Engineers' New Orleans district spokesman, says there were no reports of any levee overtopping in the New Orleans area.


But for areas outside the federal protection system—including the municipalities of Lafitte, LaPlace and Houma—Ida brought devastating flooding. The storm comes just one month after construction began on a $760-million federal levee project designed to protect the vulnerable east bank of St. Charles, St. James and St. John the Baptist parishes.

"Near LaPlace [in St. John Parish], they had a lot of flooding, but it’s not an area that is protected very well," says Lewis “Ed” Link, a University of Maryland senior research engineering professor who helped guide work on the new levee project. Link was ENR's 2007 Award of Excellence winner for his work on the failure analysis following Katrina.

Levee officials said every inch of the system will be inspected.

Much Transportation Spared


South of New Orleans, high water and debris also closed several roads connecting Jefferson Parish’s most remote communities, including Grand Isle, at the southernmost end of State Route 1. Parish officials also reported that a barge impact had structurally compromised a 522-ft-long swing bridge spanning Bayou Barataria, isolating dozens of residents in adjacent communities.

In Chalmette, east of New Orleans, the status of up to 22 barges reported to be loose in the Mississippi River during Ida’s peak remained unknown as of the afternoon of Aug. 30. The New Orleans Regional Transit Authority also reported two passenger ferries that broke free of their moorings Sunday night had run aground.

Assessing Refineries and Pipelines

美国的能源部门表示几个管道关闭down operations in advance of the storm as part of standard precautions. Colonial Pipeline Lines 1 and 2, which travel from Houston to Greensboro, N.C., were shut on Aug. 29 as part of routine safety measures, the company said..

In addition, at least nine refineries in Louisiana reduced production or shut operations as Ida approached Louisiana. A refinery for oil firm Alliance is located near one of the minor levee failures, but it was unclear as of late on Aug. 30 if that failure impacted the facility

DOE称,这些炼油厂每天约占美国炼油厂容量的230万桶,约占美国可操作炼油能力的13%。在主要的化学和石化综合体中的生产,包括陶氏化学,埃克森美孚,福尔摩萨塑料和西湖化学物质的生产,在暴风雨前也被关闭,能源和工业分析师S&P Global可能会导致建筑材料的塑料短缺,例如作为PVC管。

“我们的成员正在积极评估其设施和基础设施,同时监控地面和正在进行的天气报告的洪水状况,”美国石油研究所运营安全和紧急响应总监Suzanne Lemieux说。“运营商将继续与联邦和州当局协调,以减轻风险并解决燃料供应的任何潜在中断,同时恢复提供对紧急响应至关重要的能源。”


Several hospitals, now seeing a resurgence of COVID-19 patients, had varying amounts of damage, with some having to evacuate patients.

Louisiana’s largest hosptal network, Ochsner Health, reported significant roof damage at its partner hospital, Terrebonne General Medical Center in Houma, and at St. Anne Hospital in Raceland and Leonard J. Chabert Medical Center in Houma.

Ochsner首席执行官华纳·托马斯(Warner Thomas)在8月30日的在线媒体简报上说,已经部署了团队来进行临时屋顶。



Contractors across southeast Louisiana have been on standby to monitor their jobsites and assess damages.

Ryan Gootee General Contractors in Metairie, La., which has about a dozen jobsites in Orleans Parish, plans to deploy teams to assess those sites as quickly as possible, says spokesman Kristian Sonnier. But a citywide lack of power and critical infrastructure could complicate things.

Sonnier says assessing personal property and personnel safety will be the firm’s first priority. “Our superintendents did a really good job of battening down the hatches before the weather came. But it’s going to take a while to get to those jobsites and assess them,” he says.

Jones says Traylor Bros. also has a project underway in the impacted area to replace a bridge and tunnel system at Belle Chasse. He says construction is at about 15% completion on a new bridge, but the site is already busy with cranes in the canal and on land

他说:“ [我们]不得不捆绑并拉出。”现在的工作人员现在从佛罗里达到德克萨斯州,这是他认为的一种经历,这对于以前可能从未经历过这样的暴风雨的年轻工人特别有价值。琼斯说:“他们需要知道要从水中奔跑并躲避风。”

沟通一直是一个主要问题。巴吞鲁日(Baton Rouge)相关的建筑商和承包商的鹈鹕分会总裁兼首席执行官戴维·赫尔维斯顿(David Helveston)说,随着牢房服务的关闭和电力,许多承包商无法对暴风雨后第二天的情况有很好的了解。


“不幸的是,我们都太好了,,,,” he says. “Contractors in Louisiana know how to quickly get onsite and mitigate damage and begin the long, slow process of rebuilding. And they will do it once again.”