Two months after a portion of the Champlain Tower South condominium in Surfside, Fla., suddenly collapsed, killing 98 people, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) on Aug. 25announced专家团队将协助该机构对悲剧进行多管齐全的调查。

该机构称,领导调查的是NIST工程实验室材料和结构系统部副局长Judith Mitrani-Reiser,在那里她领导了法定过程的开发和协调,以使建筑物更安全。在8月25日的在线新闻发布会上,米特拉尼·雷瑟(Mitrani-Reiser)指出,迈阿密是她的“家乡”,在那里长大。

Serving as the agency’s “associate lead” for the investigation will be Glenn Bell, co-director of the safety organization Collaborative Reporting for Safer Structures and co-founder of the American Society of Civil Engineers Technical Council on Forensic Engineering. He has previously investigated the 1981 the Hyatt Regency Hotel’s walkway collapse in Kansas City, Mo., and also supported NIST’s investigation of the collapse of the World Trade Center towers 1 and 2.



This investigation will be the agency’s fifth initiated under authorities granted by the 2002 National Construction Safety Team Act. NIST officials made clear that they intend for the investigation to be exhaustive, and did not give a timeline for producing its findings.

“This will not be a quick process,” Mitrani-Reiser said. NIST’s most recent investigation, into Hurricane Maria’s impact on Puerto Rico, was launched in 2018 and is still ongoing.

