
two months after earning a guiltypleafrom a former Westinghouse Electric Co. project director, the South Carolina U.S. Attorney’s Office on Aug. 18 announced a 16-count indictment against a former executive, Jeffrey Alan Benjamin. He was positioned higher on the Westinghouse corporate hierarchy during a key period of the so-called nuclear debacle.

Filed in federal court in Columbia, S.C., the indictment charges Benjamin—who served as Westinghouse’s senior vice president for new plants and major projects—with misrepresenting the project status and possible completion dates. He faces 16 felonies, including 13 instances of wire fraud, as well as securities fraud and conspiracy.

the indictment focuses on the critical period of mid-2015 to mid-2017, just prior to SCANA’s July 2017 decision to放弃the over-budget, behind-schedule nuclear expansion project, located in Jenkinsville, S.C. Critically, it was during that period that Westinghouse acquired CB&I nuclear subsidiary Stone & Webster, and thereby assumed the role of general contractor.

It was also at this time that the company agreed to a fixed-price contract with project owner SCANA, which shifted considerable cost risk to Westinghouse, and eventually led to the firm’s U.S. bankruptcy.

According to the U.S. Attorney's公告, despite knowing that the V.C. Summer units were “materially behind schedule and over budget,” Benjamin nevertheless “assured the owners that the units would be completed on schedule and took active steps to conceal from the owners damaging information about the project schedule.”

Citing notes from a September 2016 “President’s Meeting”—of the CEOs of Westinghouse, SCANA, Santee Cooper and Fluor—the indictment asserts that SCANA CEO Jeffrey Marsh asked Benjamin if he knew “of anything” that would make the scheduled respective completion dates of November 2019 and July 2020 unachievable. Benjamin replied: “No, not today.”


Later Completion Not Accepted

Made aware of Fluor’s estimate, Benjamin expressed to the contractor that the firm’s later dates were unacceptable, according to the indictment.

“这项起诉书及其伴随的指控和指控是迈向所有负责V.C.的人的又一步。联邦调查局特殊代理人Susan Ferensic表示。
