为了支持在美国和美国东海岸其他地方进行的近海风项目新利18备用网址,参议院民主党人爱德华·马基(Edward Markey)和马萨诸塞州的伊丽莎白·沃伦(Elizabeth Warren)以及新泽西州的科里·布克(Cory Booker)和罗伯特·梅伦德斯(Robert Menendez)8月11日公布了一项法案,该法案设定了新的税收和其他激励措施对于土地制造项目,被认为是“合格”的,以生产海上风组件和安新利18备用网址装船。




The 800-MW Vineyard Wind project in Massachusetts is the first commercial-scale facility to win a federal construction permit, awarded earlier this year. It is set for completion in 2023.

Meanwhile, other east coast projects made headway in recent weeks. The U.S. Interior Dept. began environmental review of North Carolina’s first offshore wind farm, following Gov. Roy Cooper’s June announcement of a 2.8-GW state offshore wind energy goal by 2030. The project, proposed off Kitty Hawk, is being developed by Avangrid Renewables as a 69-turbine, 800-MW facility. Local officials have voiced opposition to it.

In Maryland, government and industry officials this month announced a push to expand offshore wind component production at the Tradepoint Atlantic hub near Baltimore. US Wind Inc. agreed to build a steel fabrication plant there if the state okays its 1.2-GW proposed offshore project in Ocean City.


Energy firm Orsted, now developing a 120-MW Maryland project approved in 2017, proposed in July an expansion of up to 760 MW. It also is funding manufacturing site upgrades. All projects include union labor agreements. State projects also face local concerns.