而每,polyflu意识和监管oroalkyl substances (PFAS) has been on the rise, the focus has often been on their presence in firefighting foams and water-, grease- and stain-resistant products like Teflon. But the chemicals also are found in a wide variety of building materials, and the construction industry could have a significant role in limiting their use.

“As specifiers and consumers, we have power here. If we can lower our demand, we can elicit a response by manufacturers and reduce or eliminate the production of toxins over time,” said Charley Stevenson, owner and principal of Integrated Eco Strategies. He says the process has gotten easier, both in terms of improved access to product ingredients and greater availability of alternatives.

史蒂文森(Stevenson)在7月21日的网络研讨会上发表了由绿色建筑倡导集团(Green Building Group Group)建造环境以及生活的未来协作,召集专家和行业专业人员的演讲,以讨论如何更好地识别和避免在建筑中使用PFA。

PFAS, a class of chemicals that numbers in the thousands, can have potential adverse health impacts that include cancer risk, suppression of the immune system and higher cholesterol levels. Because its varied applications include weatherproofing, anti-corrosion and lubrication, among others, its use in buildings products is far-flung and diverse—a $26-billion market, according to areport来自绿色科学政策研究所。

The chemicals are used in roofing—from coatings on metal roofs to prevent corrosion, scratches and reflect solar rays to roofing nails and asphalt shingles. Other PFAS-containing coatings include paints with certain resistant properties, wood sealers and metal coatings used for bridges and industrial construction. PFAS can be found in grout, concrete sealers, O-rings, caulk, adhesives and electrical wiring, as well as in glass to make it more durable and prevent dust build up—including in solar energy panels.

Identification of PFAS in products is a challenge for architects and engineers, one that often requires a certain amount of proactive action, such as requesting manufacturers to disclose product ingredients and using that information to choose products for projects.

Tools like Health Product DeclarationdatabaseandDeclare Labels该研究所的科学与政策研究员汉娜·雷(Hannah Ray)表示,允许建筑师,设计师和工程师识别被考虑用于项目的产品的PFA。新利18备用网址


Choosing alternatives to PFAS has benefits that extend throughout the project cycle where PFAS may impact workers and communities.

“Instead of just thinking about interior occupant health, we're thinking about installers, factory workers and fenceline communities, and ultimately using our building projects to reduce and eliminate where possible the production of toxins,” said Charley Stevenson, owner and principal of Integrated Eco Strategies.


Legislation that identifies and bans production of those products is set to help lessen the load.


The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency also hasramped up attentionto PFAS regulation in the Biden administration. As the possibility of added federal action trudges on, a number of states also have passed their own regulations.

“The states have really been where action is on chemical related issues,” said Laura Spark, a senior policy advocate for Clean Water Action, a clean water advocacy group, noting for example a new law in Maine that phases out by 2030 virtually all uses of PFAS except those necessary for health, safety or societal functioning, similar to a ban put in place by the European Union in 2019. Manufacturers must also disclose the presence of PFAS in new products beginning in 2023.

佛蒙特州州长菲尔·斯科特(Phil Scott)于5月签署了一项法案,禁止出售包含PFA的消费产品,包括地毯和耐污染的材料。

Currently, 31 states have policies regulating PFAS in some form, according toSafer States