明天建筑业面临的两个重大挑战 - 它的未来劳动力和迫在眉睫的气候变化灾难 - 领导了8月2日至4日在奥兰多举行的第一次面对面,建筑工业学院联合会议和建筑用户圆桌会议。



And while “our industry has talked about construction robots coming to save us for 40 or 50 years,” Timothy Taylor, professor of engineering and project management at the University of Kentucky, said, “they're largely not here yet, and they're not going to be here in 2030, at least how we typically think about them.”


There’s clear room for improvement. For instance, the research team’s presentation noted that supervisors spend less than 40% of their time supervising. To address that particular shortcoming, Taylor said, contractors should seek out technology that helps supervisors to “be at the work face, getting the work done and not sitting in a jobsite trailer trying to get the latest piece of technology that's not working to work.”

科罗拉多州立大学建筑管理部门负责人保罗·古德鲁姆(Paul Goodrum)博士说,Multiskilling是工匠经过多项交易的认证,是另一种趋势,并未完全按计划进行。他说,自1990年代后期作为较小劳动力的劳动策略以来,“现实有些不同”,这可能会引起其他未来的挑战。

For instance, the increase in the percentage of craft workers’ spouses who are employed—which is up from roughly 50% in 1980 to more than 80% in 2010—is driving the unintended consequence of decreasing worker mobility.

Essentially, says Daniel Groves, director of strategic initiatives with CURT, “If you're a craft worker in a dual-income household, you are considerably less likely and less flexible in terms of either moving or traveling.”



Is Climate Change Looming?



油田服务公司贝克·休斯(Baker Hughes)的执行合伙人奈杰尔·詹维(Nigel Jenvey)说:“没有碳捕获,就没有净零。”“从根本上重要的是通过诸如生物能源等负排放技术实现净零。”

Continuum Advisory Group总裁Kelcey Henderson提供了比较。她说:“我认为我们都在考虑这一点,就好像我们在一个燃烧的平台上一样。确实,我们的行为好像平台只是闷闷不乐。我认为这就是挂断成本发生的地方。”

亨德森给C的例子alifornia utility PG&E’s recent announcement that it would spend $30 billion on underground power lines. “Eventually, the platform really did catch fire, and they found the money that they thought was impossible to find.”

微软公司企业副总裁吉姆·埃利斯(Jim Ellis)在较早的演讲中强调了他公司为应对气候变化的全球努力,并恳请CII-Curt的参与者参加战斗。

“Frankly, we’re polluting the heck out of this Earth,” he told those in attendance. “I believe one of the key solutions is, how do we work together, collaboratively at the intersection of technology and science to make a difference?”