Charles W. Burkett, the mayor of the town of Surfside, Fla., is “very concerned” that Allyn Kilsheimer, the town’s structural consultant probing the June 24 fatal collapse of part of the 12-story Champlain Towers South, has not been allowed on the site by the Miami-Dade Police Department. In addition, Burkett is troubled by a recent MDPD request for qualifications for local structural forensic engineering services that disqualifies any firm with “conflicts or associations with the building or the Town of Surfside.”

That rules out any application from Kilsheimer, founder, chairman and CEO of KCE Structural Engineers, based in Washington, D.C. “I’m very concerned that our expert, one of the most qualified engineers on the planet, has been blocked from the site” to study the foundations and anything below grade, says Burkett. “If the county is going to be hiring someone else, we need someone as qualified or more qualified than Allyn Kilsheimer.”



不Reason To Evacuate

KCE also has been doing walk-throughs of other Surfside buildings, looking for danger signs of failure. In addition, KCE has inspected a near twin of the reinforced concrete Champlain Towers South named Champlain Towers North. His team took concrete cores of slabs and found no reason to evacuate that building or others in Surfside.

On June 24, however, officials did evacuate two buildings out of precaution—the buildings immediately to the north and south of Champlain Towers South, which has since been razed and the site cleared.

Before the debris and rubble were removed, the National Institute of Standards and Technology identified and tagged more than 200 pieces of evidence, including sections of columns, beams and slabs. MDPD, which is preserving the evidence for NIST’s future technical phase of its probe, has removed all the material either to a remote lot or a warehouse.

7月29日,在与迈阿密戴德县市长丹妮拉·莱文·卡瓦(Daniella Levine Cava)和MDPD联系后,伯克特(Burkett)被允许参观被清理现场,仅由Surfside的镇长和镇检察官陪同。

“先生。Kilsheimer不允许去现场。” Burkett说。“他需要进入现场才能查看基础。”

Miami-Dade Equitable Distribution Program

For its forensic consultant, Francisco M. Caldera, the capital improvements project analyst in the county's small business division, emailed on July 28 a request for qualifications, called an "equitable distribution program survey," to dozens of firms in the EDP program.


All qualified firms with a local Miami-Dade office may potentially participate in the EDP program, which is “not only a minority and/or small business program. However, the ranking method favors the smaller firms with fewer previous county work opportunities,” says the county.





At ENR publication time, Miami-Dade County and MDPD had not responded to questions and requests for interviews about the survey and other subjects related to the condo failure.
