Building officials of Miami-Dade County suspect deferred maintenance rather than weak building codes or an inadequate 40-year recertification process required by the county was the likely reason for the June 24 building failure in Surfside, Fla. The partial collapse of the 40-year-old Champlain Towers South residential condominium caused at least 98 fatalities.

The collapse of the 12-story condo is a tragic case that is “blowing everything out of proportion,” says Fredy Tain, structural division director in the Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources (RER) of Miami-Dade County.

Though the cause or causes of the Surfside debacle remain unknown, Jaime D. Gascon, director of RER’s board and code administration division, says that “at this time, there has been nothing identified as deficient in the building codes that would have caused” the failure.


在尚普兰塔塔斯(Champlain Towers South Fiasco)之后,迈阿密戴德县(Miami-Dade County)35个司法管辖区的建筑官员正在合作审查重新认证过程,以查看是否可以改善它,包括40年的时间范围是否足够。泰恩说:“我们正走向完美之路。”

- 迈阿密戴德县结构部总监Fredy Tain

Miami-Dade County and neighboring Broward County are the only two places in the U.S. that require recertification, say Miami-Dade officials. Tain asserts the process works well. “Over the years, a lot of failures have been avoided because of the 40-year recertification,” he says.





At the collapse site, the remaining unstable wing of the structural-concrete building was imploded on July 4. As of July 21, debris and rubble had been moved from the site, to a warehouse or a lot elsewhere.

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), which is leading a probe of the collapse, reports having identified, marked and tagged electronically more than 200 concrete building elements, including pieces of columns, beams and slabs.


Working with the Rapid Response Research Facility of the National Science Foundation’s Natural Hazards Engineering Research Infrastructure Program, NIST has installed accelerometers to measure building vibrations and a seismometer to measure ground vibrations at the 12-story Champlain Towers North condominium, which is a near twin of the south tower. The data will be used to validate computer modeling of Champlain Towers South, says NIST, not to evaluate the condition of the north tower.

NIST还在组装的过程中其National Construction Safety Act team that will lead the technical phase of the investigation. No names have been announced. “One of the conditions we have to consider before launching [a technical] investigation is if funds are available,” says Jennifer L. Huergo, a NIST spokesperson.