The US Senate Environment and Public Works Committee (EPW) is beginning preliminary work on a new Water Resources Development Act, or WRDA to authorize funds for US Army Corps of Engineers river locks and dams, flood protection, environmental restoration and other projects.





委员会主席汤姆·卡珀(Tom Carper)(D-del。)观察到,国家正在被更强大的暴风雨,洪水,海平面上升和干旱“越来越锤击”,“军团一直陷入主要的防守者的地位。频繁且越来越昂贵的灾难。”






Carper确实说了2022 WRDA应该有多少资金。

该小组的最高共和党人参议员雪莱·摩尔·卡皮托(Shelley Moore Capito)表示,改变利益成本的比率是“我们从每个人那里听到的东西 - 双方……。因此,我认为这是我们应该优先考虑的事情。”


Collin O’Mara, National Wildlife Federation president and CEO, is among those seeking to rework the present ratio. “It’s a process that’s fundamentally broken,” he said, adding that project benefits should include their positive impacts in such areas as water quality, soil stabilization, recreation and wildlife habitats.

Mario Cordero, executive director of the Port of Long Beach in California said the present analysis is "too rigid."


Amy Larson, a consultant and former president of the National Waterways Conference, also advocated changes in what benefits the Corps looks at in its project evaluations. Noting that the current calculation uses real estate values in the project area, she said “What that means is, it’s a clear detriment to areas with lower property values.”

Larson added that "we know that we need a more focused response to address flood risk sin thse hese disadvantaged communities.”

She suggested looking at the number of lives at risk from a flood, as well as the number of homes and other structures to be protected. "Consideration of life-safety should b paramount,” :Larson said.