
小组特别感兴趣的讨论的一个要素是由参议员乔·曼钦(Joe Manchin)(D-W.Va。)制定的一项能源基础设施法案,主要能源和自然资源委员会主席。他的措施于7月14日以13票对7票清除了委员会,如果谈判者达成协议,预计将折叠成更大的基础设施方案。

Manchin的账单将增加用于脱碳技术的支出,例如碳捕获和封存(CCS),以及使用CCS生产的“蓝色”氢的生产,可作为天然气或其他化石燃料的替代品。对手的关键要点是法案的费用。怀俄明州参议员约翰·巴拉索(John Barrasso)是能源委员会的最高共和党人,他在投票前说,由于其950亿美元的普里切格(Pricetag),他无法以目前的形式支持该法案。巴拉索说:“目前尚不清楚大多数人将如何为这笔支出付费。”


政府官员表示,曼钦(Manchin)的法案与拜登(Biden)的200万美元美国就业计划相吻合,将为建筑公司提供工作。美国相关总承包商的发言人布莱恩·图尔玛尔(Brian Turmail)说:“将需要新的氢友好基础设施,我们的成员可能会建造这些基础设施,[和]碳捕获涉及开发技术以在其来源捕获CO2的技术并将用过的化石燃料储层转换为碳存储和建造新的存储设施。”

AFL-CIO总裁理查德·杜鲁姆卡(Richard Trumka)在7月12日关于振兴俄亥俄河谷的网络研讨会上发表讲话时说:“劳动人民遭受了我国工业基础的长期挖空。”He noted that investing in decarbonization technologies like hydrogen and CCS would allow climate goals to be met “without destroying livelihoods and lives,” and that the revitalization of old Rust Belt regions “could show the country that addressing the climate crisis doesn’t have to cost American jobs; it can create them.”

白宫气候顾问吉娜·麦卡锡(Gina McCarthy)在同一场网络研讨会上表示,拜登政府“对发展不涉及创造良好工会工作的气候战略不感兴趣。”

在政坛上,CCS and hydrogen use and production are widely – although not universally – recognized as important bridge technologies for a transition to a more climate-friendly economy. But concerns about their scalability and costs have persisted. McCarthy said federal investment in regional hubs would send a signal to the private sector about the commercial viability of those technologies and others.

Labor unions have sometimes been at odds with environmental advocates. The Laborers’ International Union of North America worked alongside AGC and other groups to champion construction of the final portion of the now-cancelled Keystone pipeline. Some union leaders have been blunt about noting that jobs in solar and wind pay less and involve fewer workers than major fossil-fuel projects.

Decarbonization through carbon capture and blue hydrogen could allow workers to continue to find work that pays well, Trumka said.

美国世界资源研究所总监丹·拉什夫(Dan Lashoff)认为,可再生能源建筑工作的薪酬指标会随着时间而变化。“没有理由为什么风技术员工作或太阳能电工工作不像化石燃料能源行业的现有工作一样。”他说。‘They don’t pay as well now, but that’s certainly an issue that the Biden administration is paying a lot of attention to, and research shows that if you pay higher wages, you wouldn’t actually slow the transition” to a clean-energy economy.
