The National Labor Relations Board said July 21 that an Indiana union has the right to display a 12-ft-tall inflatable rat named Scabby, along with provocative banners, outside an Indiana trade show in order to boycott Lippert Components Inc., which worked with another company involved in a labor dispute.

A banner displayed outside the trade show by a local faction of the International Union of Operating Engineers read: "Shame on Lippert Components, Inc. for harboring rat contractors."


NLRB主席Lauren McFerran是一名民主党人拜登1月任命的民主党人写道,董事会决定潜在侵犯联盟的自由言论权,排除了以前发现横幅和充气大鼠是非法的。共和党NLRB成员Marvin Kaplan和John Ring,同时考虑了McFerran的意见,写道,虽然Iuoe当地的行为是合法的,但2010年和2011年发布的董事会决定太广泛,可以通过工会屏蔽强制活动。

董事会第三届共和党成员威廉·埃米瓦尔(William Emanuel)强烈来自裁决,称奥巴马 - 时代先例被缺陷,因为它适用于全国劳动关系法禁止威胁和胁迫的阅读。他还说,它激励了工会参与应该禁止的行为。

Secondary Protests


"The NLRB decision reaffirming the status quo is disappointing to the construction industry because it allows unions to continue to engage in coercive tactics towards neutral parties, contrary to the intent of federal labor laws," said Ben Brubeck, Associated Builders and Contractors' vice president of regulatory, labor and state affairs.

"We generally agreed with NLRB member Emanuel’s dissenting opinion. Scabby and other union balloon creatures are examples of threatening and/or coercive conduct during union pickets and boycotts and should constitute secondary activity," Brubeck said.

NLRB's former general counsel, Peter Robb, an appointee of President Trump, had argued in the Lippert case that inflatables and provocative banners were unlawful. President Biden fired Robb on his first day in office in January. His replacement, Obama-era deputy general counsel Jennifer Abruzzo, was confirmed on July 21 just as this decision was handed down.


The Associated General Contractors of America—which joined ABC, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and other business groups in filing amicus briefs against the use of banners and inflatables in secondary protests—explained that the reasoning behind the decision is narrow, and that's why the industry group supported a broader reading of secondary protests.

"The NLRB, during the Obama administration, established a relatively lenient standard for assessing the lawfulness of union bannering and displays of Scabby the rat," said Denise Gold, AGC associate general counsel specializing in labor issues. "They basically apply the same standards that applies to peaceful hand-billling; that's what they equated it to, as opposed to the more stringent standard that applies to picketing."
