
A dedicated passenger track would enable trains to travel at speeds of 110 to 124 miles per hour, shaving as much as 90 minutes off some routes, such as between Ottawa and Toronto, although the speeds are below what are standard for high-speed rail.

自2016年以来,政府一直为该计划提供少量资金。公告,现在总数包括在2021年的2021年预算中,从2021 - 2022财政年度开始。

曼尼托巴大学运输学院的前主任巴里·普伦蒂斯(Barry Prentice),运输与物流研究中心,具有供应链管理专业知识的大学教授,他说高频铁路将允许通过加拿大铁路的城市间铁路运营商变得更具竞争力。

“It is a major change and improvement, and would allow [it] to compete much better with alternatives like flying or driving a car,” he said.


Quicker and more efficient rail service would also boost ridership, raising the number of trips between Quebec City and Toronto to 17 million by 2059, up from 4.8 million in 2019, according to the federal transport ministry.

The ministry also plans to determine how it could integrate improved passenger rail service to Ontario cites west of Toronto, including London and Windsor, which it now is discussing with regional agencies GO Transit and Metrolinx to avoid duplication.

这项承诺是在联邦政府的项目融资部门加拿大基础设施银行(Canada Infrastructure Bank)与Via Rail Canada合作的两年后,以创建联合项目办公室。


“While it is envisioned that a project of this scale will benefit from a public private-partnership, it is important to understand the market’s perspectives on the project before defining the exact nature of the partnership that will be sought,” a ministry spokesman said in an email.

But Chris Lorenc, president of the Western Canada Roadbuilder & Heavy Construction Association, points to the need for more attention and resources focused on port access upgrades and widening long stretches of the Trans Canada highway that now are two lanes.

He said it makes more sense, on some trips, for Canadian truckers to cross the border south into the U.S. to use interstates to travel to Toronto, contending that new investment would support Canada’s global trade relationships and generate revenue that helps pay for passenger rail and other benefits.


普伦蒂斯说,猜测资金公告与秋季的联邦选举有关。He noted that if Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's government was not reelected, "this project might find itself on the back burner," although he said, "the other government might still embrace it.”