
That’s the issue that could be decided in2017年提起的诉讼由国际法委员会(ICC)反对UpCodes, a for-profit company that provides searchable databases of published state and local building codes. ICC is a nonprofit that is the developer of the International Building Code, which is widely used in North America as a model code.

自从美国地方法院法官维克多·马雷罗(Victor Marrero)命令五月下令以来,双方尚未设定确定的审判日期,他当时拒绝双方动议以未经全面审判而批准其索赔。


The lawsuit, depending on how it is decided, could change the way designers use code and could also drain funds away from a codewriting nonprofit that helps make buildings safe.




ICC, which had revenue of $65 million in 2017, portrays the copyright issue as an existential threat to its consensus process and public safety via the code.

But its grip on the copyright is gradually slipping. Three regional model codes merged to create ICC in 1994, and two of them—the Building Officials and Code Administrators International (BOCA), used in the east and Midwest, and the Southern Building Code Congress International (SBCCI), used mainly in the south—previously litigated related copyright issues.

在里面Boca诉代码技术案例(1980), a publisher had sold copies of the Massachusetts state building code. The First Circuit federal court decided that citizens are authors of the law, they also are code owners, regardless of who actually writes the provisions of the law.

InSBCCI诉Veeck(2002), where a website operator posted parts or all of that code, the Fifth Circuit U.S. appeals court determined that model codes that enter the public domain are not subject to the copyright holder's “exclusive prerogatives.” One key issue is whether publication of parts of ICC’s code in state and local codes, which are law, invalidates ICC’s copyright. The court basically said yes.


一位女发言人说,国家和模型代码的混合涉及ICC。她说:“消费者可能会被Upcodes的说法所欺骗,即其网站上的代码副本是完整的,并且在不在时始终是最新的。”她补充说,“ upcodes对准确性的错误主张特别令人不安”,并具有安全性。


Scott和Garrett Reynolds于2016年创立的Upcodes提供了一个可搜索的数据库,该数据库允许用户找到已经合并到联邦,州和本地代码中的建筑代码的一部分。它还提供了一项功能,设计人员可以通过该功能上传构建信息模型来评估它们的构建代码错误,该公司将其描述为代码的一种“拼写检查”。可以使用Revit插件。


UpCodes replied that it didn’t seek licensing from ICC because others tried and were unsuccessful.

The company interpreted the recent court decisions on summary judgement as indicators of its potential success in a trial. “The court’’s rallying behind free and open access to the laws is incredibly encouraging,” said Scott Reynolds.
