建造of what is planned as Portland, Maine’s tallest tower is expected to begin by August and be complete by late 2023, according to Scarborough-based Landry/French Construction, general contractor for the project.


Franklin Towers, a 16-story, 175-ft public housing property由波特兰住房管理局运营的是波特兰最高的建筑。

Close coordination between the project team is required to solve challenges associated with building a $60-million building in a tight urban space east of the old port district, says Mason Rowell, director of preconstruction at Landry/French. “The footprint is pretty much property line to property line construction right up to the street.”


To ensure indoor air quality for each apartment unit, the team opted to allow for heating and cooling using a slim, modern wall pack Ephoca unit. The product has been used in the U.S. and Canada for a decade, but is new to the Northeast, Rowell says. The team has also designed small above-ceiling energy recovery units that will bring fresh air in and exhaust from the units in a floor-by-floor basis rather than installing large duct work down through the building and fire smoke dampers at each level, he says.


该项目开发商Redfern Properties的执行合伙人Jonathan Culley表示,波特兰市议会于3月2日批准了一项分区修正案。库利说:“它的租赁住房是旧港口区的旧港口公寓,与市区商业核心相邻,这是该市最容易步行的部分。”“呼吁的一部分是在城市可步行的社区中建立住房……这对社区建设非常有用,但对气候也有好处。”

After working with the project team for six months, the city’s planning board一致投票5月25日,批准了塔楼。库利说:“该区域的高度限制为150英尺,但团队要求将差异提高到190英尺。”该项目还于4月21日从波特兰历史保护委员会获得了适当性证书,因为该建筑将位于国会街历史区。Culley指出:“该项目现已获得市政权利的三个单独的部分。”

The building, which entered design in August 2019, uses the International Building Code (IBC) and the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) codes and standards. Ryan Senatore Architecture has worked with consultant Code Red Massachusetts to assist with meeting high-rise building requirements for building over 75 ft. tall, Senatore says.

Senatore also noted, “The design blends traditional material such as red brick, granite and steel with more modern materials, including metallic panel cladding that create contrast and represent the past while looking toward the future as well.”

他还说,设计包括“更占主导地位的品牌ick towers” on the façade of the structure to the east and west. “One for the west end where we have the brick parapets breaking the roof plains creating a vertical proportion and accentuating that with a kind of recess window bands vertically,” Senatore says.

The building also includes a 1,500 sq-ft sky lounge on the 18Th地板俯瞰大西洋。塞纳托尔说:“它的设计是用于酒吧和休息室的区域。”

The lower floors will include amenities for tenants such as a 2,100-sq-ft fitness room that overlooks Federal Street, retail space and another smaller commercial office suite, such as a gallery. The second floor will have a 3,000-sq-ft common lounge with some co-working desks and other spaces.