The latest revision of the popular BIM design software Archicad includes improved rendering options and expanded asset libraries for designers and architects. Graphisoft, the Budapest-based maker of Archicad, also has tightened the linkages between the software and its BIM viewer, BIMx.

“[In Archicad 25] we’re bringing our best version. Better design, visualization and collaboration,” says Huw Roberts, CEO, Graphisoft. “BIMx allows architects to provide immersive presentation to their clients. Architects can drive the presentation [themselves].” BIMx also is now more tightly integrated with BIMcloud, Graphisoft’s collaborative environment for working on BIM models. BIMcloud also is now available for Android.

Archicad 25的许多变化都以小型更新的形式出现,以改善可视化工作流程。表面纹理可以在截面和高程视图中使用,而柔软的阴影可以增加深度而无需其他渲染。Graphisoft还扩展了用于设计内部空间的3D参数对象的资产库。

Pushing BIM models to other rendering environments from Archicad has been improved with new integrations. Earlier this year, Archicad got a linkage into Nvidia’s Omniverse platform, a cloud-based collaborative rendering environment that lets users from different types of design software work on the same model. Omniverse already has integrations with BIM design software suites from Autodesk and Bentley Systems.

Archicad 25将包括一个更大的资产库佛r populating BIM designs.
Photo courtesy of Graphisoft


罗伯茨说:“借助建筑物的设计,建筑师和工程师希望看到许多不同的方式来形象化他们的作品。”“与Omniverse有联系,红移……有时是(关于)速度,有时是光真相。我们希望建筑师能够拥有所有这些。”Archicad于去年秋天为BIM协调软件溶液添加了集成,从而加快了BIM质量控制过程。Archicad,Maxon和Solibri均由位于慕尼黑的Nemetschek Group拥有。