自从成立其Irvine,加利福尼亚州,2013年,Ohla USA Inc.在2013年进行的操作庞大地投资于开发和培训经验丰富的劳动力。在Covid-19大流行期间,该投资在Covid-19大流行期间得到了一大笔钱,该公司报告了该州的收入大幅增加。该公司将其员工的收益归因于其员工和新的和持续的合同。

作为全球重塑倡议的一部分本月早些时候宣布,本公司以前称为Ohl USA,将其名称更名为Ohla USA。Ohla的Stratospheric同年增长是REAR编辑的一个原因是该公司的2021年的成员,包括阿拉斯加,加利新利18备用福尼亚,夏威夷,俄勒冈和华盛顿的地区。

“我们的成功基本上归功于我们广泛的才华横溢,经验丰富的人。我们为他们提供了正确的指导,支持和所需的工具,让他们控制,“俄亥俄州北美首席执行官Ashok Patel说。“此外,我们的入门级实地工作人员依靠我们更经验丰富的项目经理和交流思想和信息,以建立信托和Camaraderie的坚实基础。”

-alex Medyn,Ohla USA项目总监

This strategy created a recipe for success during the pandemic. OHLA USA increased its 2020 California revenue to $434 million, up 73% from 2019’s $251 million, thanks to an increase in new work awarded in 2019 and 2020 and ramping up work on the $1.4-billion design-build I-405 Improvement Project, says Tony Bagheri, executive vice president for the company’s West region.


He says the California market is strong and diversified, giving OHLA opportunities to bid for work from major owners, including Caltrans, Orange County Transportation Authority, L.A. Metro, L.A. Dept. of Public Works, L.A. Dept. of Water and Power, Orange County Sanitation District, the city of Carson and the city of Pasadena.


nighttime highway work

Photos courtesy of OHLA USA Inc.


总部位于大学点,N.Y。,Ohla USA是OHL集团的子公司,是一个全球基础设施集团,历史超过100年。公司在加利福尼亚拥有大约900名员工。Ohla USA专门从事大型民用项目,包括公路,铁路和运输,海洋,隧道和新利18备用网址液压工作。

Projects that helped OHLA boost its 2020 revenue include the Patsaouras Busway Plaza Station near Los Angeles’ Union Station, the Argo Drain Sub-Basin Water Infiltration facility near Los Angeles International Airport and the $35-million US-101 median barrier replacement between Hollywood and Calabasas along the 101 Freeway in Los Angeles County.

但俄亥俄州最令人印象深刻的当前项目在Costa Mesa和洛杉矶县之间的加利福尼亚众所周知的繁忙的I-405高速公路。计划于2023年完成,该项目由OC405合作伙伴领导,由Ohla USA和Astaldi建设组成。


“这基本上是类固醇的Caltrans项目,”Ohla项目总监Alex Medyn说。“我在这个项目中看到了更多的是,在这一项目的建设中的整个25年的职业生涯中看到了更多。”



“ohl是面向解决的解决方案,他们对如何修改项目的一些桥梁以及节省时间和金钱,并使它对[本地]城市更有利,”Octa CEO。“哦,厄尔是一个非常伟大的合作伙伴,让这些想法前进,并在一个时间范围内完成帮助,这有助于每个人,包括美国,业主,通勤者和当地城市。”

-Robert Samonte,洛杉矶部门公共工程,工程局

Johnson says replacing bridges in one stage as opposed to two stages saved about four to six months on the schedule for each bridge and about $3 million overall. The savings add up on a project that is placing between $25 million to $30 million of construction per month and has upward of 1,000 people per day on the jobsite.

Meanwhile, OHLA USA is the general contractor on the 101 freeway project, which began last year and is scheduled to finish in December 2022. Currently 30% complete, the work removes and replaces 17 miles of concrete barriers in six stages, with all work being done at night.

Kris Venkataraman,Caltrans District 7驻地工程师在施工部门,Ohla USA表示为这项工作带来了技能,专业知识和主动领导。

101个职位就是紧张而狭窄的。“[Ohla USA]建议减少一些工作区域,以在该地区拥有更好的建设性和更多空间,并且工作可以更顺利迅速地进行。与此同时,它降低了项目成本,“Venkataraman说。“它将项目节省了约300万美元和大约22天。”



戴安娜冈萨雷斯OHLA美国项目经理说,罪恶ce this was the first open-bottom prestressed tank built in a private property, L.A. Dept. of Building and Safety (LADBS) was stringent in reviewing every design item and provided the steps required for the inspection and permit to be fulfilled.



“Once the design intent of the project was set and the process explained, the construction team was able to move forward with an action plan that allowed for clear and concise scheduling and coordinating with trades and agencies,” says Gonzalez, noting the firm’s extensive interagency coordination.

Robert Samonte with L.A. Dept. of Public Works’ Bureau of Engineering, says Argo Pump Station commissioning required simulating realistic storm conditions, which was “difficult to accomplish without an actual storm. OHL was able to create a well-thought-out and organized plan that allowed the entire system to be tested to the satisfaction of the client.”


Photos courtesy of OHLA USA Inc.


As OHLA USA looks to the future, Bagheri says the company will continue to “bid selectively and strategically in its core competency work—highways, bridges, transit, water, pipelines, etc. As a major heavy civil contractor, we expect infrastructure and public works projects to continue to be the main source of our revenues.”

In California, highway and rail transportation projects are some of the company’s leading sectors, he says. “Agencies like L.A. Metro are expected to issue new work, including light rail projects,” adds Bagheri. “Also, we expect a large amount of highway work to improve traffic flow on several corridors throughout the state.”

