涉及特纳建筑公司(Turner Constructa Co.

美国司法部和纽约南部地区说,前特纳建筑经理维托·尼格罗(Vito Nigro)从分包商中收到了超过180万美元的贿赂项目。新利18备用网址他们说,他“利用自己的职位”从建筑分包商那里收取135万美元的现金”贿赂,这些分包商以授予建筑合同和分包合同的方式支付回扣。”

Nigro. who received the most prison time of the four convicted in the case, "also received in-kind bribes in the form of renovations and improvement projects at his New Jersey residence," according to the announcement..


In a statement to ENR on June 12, Turner said Nigro "betrayed" the company and his fellow former employees. The firm also noted its cooperation "with law enforcement throughout the investigation" into the four men.

量刑结束了被告定罪之后于2020年7月开始的诉讼,当时前彭博建筑经理迈克尔·坎帕纳(Michael Campana)因逃税420,000美元而被判处24个月监禁。Campana and the others pleaded guilty to the charges反对他们。

In January,彭博的前全球建筑董事安东尼·吉佐恩(Anthony Guzzone),因逃税145万美元的非法付款而被判处38个月监禁,并被命令支付赔偿574,005美元的未缴税。

In June,Ronald Olson, who had been vice president and deputy operations manager at Turner Construction, was sentenced to 46 months for taking kickbacks of $1.45 million in exchange for contracts, and took “bribes in the form of renovations and improvement projects at his Long Island residence and his Long Beach Island, N,J. house,” said the sentencing announcement.