The first six months of 2021 have seen big materials cost hikes, increasing labor shortages and uncertainty over federal action on a major infrastructure package. Despite the headwinds, ENR’s Construction Industry Confidence Index has surged up 17 points to a rating of 68—the highest single jump between quarters since the index was started in 2009. The previous record was 16 points between Q4 of 2011 and Q1 of 2012.

该指数措施执行情绪有关the current market will be in the next three to six months and over a 12- to 18-month period. A rating above 50 shows a growing market. The measure is based on 207 responses from industry execs to surveys sent between May 14 and June 21 to U.S. companies on ENR lists of leading general contractors, subcontractors and design firms.



在总部位于新泽西州新泽西州的建筑金融管理协会(CFMA)的最新Confindex调查结果中,可以看到类似的信心。每个季度,它都会对一般和民事承包商以及分包商的200 CFO进行有关市场和业务状况的200个CFO。ConfIndex基于四个独立的财务和市场组成部分,每个财务组成部分的评分为1至200。100的评级表示稳定的市场;较高的评分表明市场增长。Confindex上升到115个评分,比第一季度的105增长了9.5%。



“If you look at a year ago, June 2020, [there] are really remarkable differences,” says Stuart Binstock, CFMA’s CEO. He notes the 70.8% increase in the “business conditions” index since Q2 of last year as an example.

“What’s most remarkable is the strength of the demand for construction services coming out of this pandemic,” says Anirban Basu, CEO of economic consultant Sage Policy Group, Baltimore, and a CFMA adviser. The recovery of the construction industry seems to be right in line with that of the overall U.S. economy, instead of a few steps behind, he says. More executives indicated on the Confindex survey that their backlog has increased from a year ago than those who indicated a drop, Basu adds.



该行业的长期劳动力短缺可能因大流行而加剧。ENR CICI调查的受访者中约有57%表明员工短缺比去新利18备用年差,不到9%的人说差距已经缓解。大多数需求是项目经理,被29%的受访者列出。



Retail space vacated in the wake of bankruptcies by big box retailers has pushed that trend as investors look to monetize that real estate. Basu expects an acceleration of investment in the suburban market. “Developers chase high valuations, and the rising valuations are in the suburbs,” he says.