理查德·科尔曼(Richard Korman)

T他从白宫入口人行道(White House Gottrance Walkway)距离,总统有时向记者迎接记者,到佛罗里达州Surfside的Champlain Towers,那里的生活与海滩有关,大约是1,050英里,距离酒店仅15小时的车程,具体取决于交通。


As they spoke, rescue crews were beginning to pick through the debris pile of Champlain Towers South, the 12-story condominium apartment complex that had partly collapsed early that morning. They were searching for more than 150 people entombed there. Many may not even have their remains recovered and identified.


It is understandable to compartmentalize what happened to a privately owned, 40-year-old reinforced-concrete Florida building on sandy soil in a salty environment, from the much different targets of a national infrastructure overhaul. The juxtaposition of the events in the media joins them in the public mind, and that could have implications for the infrastructure measure.

The juxtaposition of the events in the media joins them in the public mind, and that could have implications for the infrastructure measure.

The news from Washington in the days after the infrastructure pact announcement involved a telling political flap—a seemingly minor event considering the tragedy playing out in Florida.


That transformed the happy White House press briefing into a meaningless exercise and exposed the moderate Republicans involved in the deal to flak from more obstructionist party members. Then Saturday the White House walked back the president’s comments, delinking physical and social infrastructure.

“There’s nothing like a disaster to focus the mind,” NBC News journalist Joshua Johnson said on Meet the Press in evaluating the package’s chances of adoption. He implied that what had happened in Florida had subtly redirected the emotional currents surrounding the fragile infrastructure spending pact in a way that could increase its chances of passing.

在Surfside中的噩梦活动能否比上周的华盛顿特区 - 地区的行人桥崩溃更多,超过May的破裂和关闭的密西西比河桥,来自美国公民工程师学会的数十个低于平均水平的年级?到目前为止,所有先前的先驱事件和其他证据都告诉我们并向我们表明,我们的国家基础设施相当于1980年的1980年福特·格拉纳达(Ford Granada),笨拙且容易出现故障,并没有设法削弱了防止基础设施资金的政治障碍。

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