
华盛顿特区上诉法院表示,FERC未能充分平衡公共利益,并对65英里英里的2.87亿美元的Spire STL管道产生不利影响,该管道与落基山脉Express Pipeeline系统链接到圣路易斯 - 当时它说有存在该地区没有新的天然气需求,接下来的20年需求平坦。

The ruling "shows when FERC cuts corners with its analysis, it puts its decisions and the investments made in reliance on those decisions at substantial risk,” said a statement by FERC Chairman Richard Glick, who dissented in the line's original 2018 approval.

Utility company Spire Inc. had sought arrangements with natural gas shippers, developers and others but got no responses. As a result, it entered into a so-called "precedent agreement" with its affiliate Spire Missouri for 87.5% of the pipeline’s capacity. Rather than for new capacity, the affiliate now uses the two-year-old pipeline instead of an older line to transport product. There was “plausible evidence of self-dealing,” the court said. The Missouri Public Service Commission was skeptical of the need for the project and asked FERC for a thorough review.

“The court was concerned with that,” says Natalie Karas, senior director and lead counsel at the Environmental Defense Fund, which challenged FERC’s decision. The court made it clear that FERC’s order had serious deficiencies, she says. Congress in the Natural Gas Act said FERC should only approve projects that are for “public convenience and necessity,” Karas contends. “This case breathes new life into those words,” she says.

Spire said in a statement that it relied on established FERC precedent to build the pipeline, which has been fully operational since 2019. “But three years after approval it appears that reliable and critical energy access to 650,000 homes and business throughout the St. Louis region now could be in jeopardy,” it said.

Spire在2月份的Polar Vortex期间引用了该项目的本质,而中西部的其他部分则以供应和极高的成本挣扎。”新利18备用官网登录

The court sent the approval back to FERC to reconsider but questioned whether the agency could “rehabilitate” a decision with such serious deficiencies. The "ability to do so is not at all clear to us at this juncture,” the court said.


FERC表示,根据《天然气法》,它具有平衡竞争利益的广泛酌处权,但法院表示,其裁决“可能不会完全不受根据。”法院说,在这种情况下,“ FERC未能平衡利益和成本”。新利18备用官网登录







fercsaid that after reviewing comments, it will determine whether to issue a proposed rulemaking.