In a significant, but far from final, step for infrastructure legislation, President Joe Biden and a bipartisan group of Senators have reached agreement to provide an additional $579 billion over five years for a wide range of programs, including highways, transit, energy and broadband.

“We have a deal,” Biden announced on June 24, speaking to reporters outside the White House.

[View detailed breakdown of framework's funding, from Senators这里。]。

The agreement follows days of negotiations between top White House aides and members of a bipartisan group of Senators. Initially, the group numbered 10, later growing to 21.


After pushing for an infrastructure plan for years, engineering and construction industry groups hailed the news of the bipartisan deal.

美国工程公司委员会倡导高级副总裁史蒂夫·霍尔(Steve Hall)在接受采访时说:“确实创造了这种动态,即今年的重要基础设施计划实际上将成为现实。”


美国公路与运输建筑商协会主席兼首席执行官David Bauer在接受采访时告诉ENR:“这是一项两党协议,白宫的热情,有很多事情要做。”新利18备用但是他警告说:“这绝不是排名第三,回家。”他补充说:“必须做很多工作。”

“Since there’s no legislative text right now, we don’t know what the specifics of the policy will be, let alone how they will put this all together.” Michele Stanley, National Stone, Sand & Gravel Association vice president of government and regulatory affairs, said in comments emailed to ENR. Lawmakers might choose to pass bills for each sector separately or combine them into one big package, she suggests.

Once the framework is fleshed out in legislative language, it still must win enough votes for approval in the Senate and House.

拜登还和erscored that the “physical infrastructure” measure that’s the subject of the bipartisan deal is only half of a “tandem” of envisioned legislative packages.

The other is a larger proposal covering what he calls “human infrastructure.” It would include funding for such things as child care and education and clean energy tax cuts.

民主党人说,身体基础设施立法将根据传统程序进行国会。该措施的一些潜在关键部分 - 尤其是surface transportationand wastewater treatment-drinking water bills—already have made significant progress in the House and Senate in recent weeks.

But Biden says the human infrastructure proposal would take a different path, moving under the budget reconciliation process. Reconciliation would permit Democrats to get a bill through the Senate with a simple majority, not the higher, 60-vote threshold needed to block a filibuster. The Senate’s party split is 50-50, with Vice President Kamala Harris casting tie-breaking votes for Democrats.

Biden links physical to human infrastructure measure

Biden told reporters in a press conference later on June 24 that he would not sign the physical-infrastructure bill until Congress also passes the human infrastructure measure.

That stance drew sharp criticism from Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), who said it “would hold the bipartisan [infrastructure] agreement hostage, demanding trillions of dollars in wasteful spending and job-killing tax increases in return for even considering it.”

ABC总裁兼首席执行官迈克尔·贝拉曼(Michael Bellaman)表示,相关的建筑商和承包商还关心拜登的两部分方法。他在statement该计划将寻求将基础设施措施与正在和解的方案联系起来,该计划将“实施党派税收加息和限制性劳动政策以及任何潜在的两党协议。”

白宫在五年内计算出该新框架的成本为9730亿美元,并在八年内提出了1.2万亿美元的数字。但是,“新资金”(即当前“基准”支出高于当前的金额 - 估计为5790亿美元。

Stanley said that “this is a great first step and any amount over current baseline is welcomed.” She adds, “The certainty of these funds is crucial.”





Biden said he had sought $15 billion for charging stations and other infrastructure for electric vehicles, but settled for $7.5 billion.

Water infrastructure, including funds for wastewater treatment projects and removing aging lead drinking-water pipes, would receive $55 billion.

Power infrastructure including the electric grid, would be in line for $73 billion, including upgraded transmission lines and a new Grid Authority; broadband infrastructure would receive $65 billion.


Steps to make infrastructure more resilient in the face of hurricanes, wildfires and other natural disasters, also are in the package, with an allocation of $47 billion.

Menu offers 13 financing options

The agreement also includes a 13-item menu of proposed ways to finance the ambitious framework. But the White House summary doesn't rank those possible “pay-fors” in priority order. Nor does it specify how much revenue each option would raise.




Also on the list are redirecting already approved funding to states for unemployment insurance programs and tapping state and local government funding for some broadband expansions.

Other items include public-private partnerships, private-activity bonds and direct-pay bonds. In addition, the plan calls for a new Infrastructure Financing Authority.


Story corrected on 6/29/2021: Michele Stanley's title at National Stone, Sand & Gravel Association is vice president ofgovernmentand regulatory affairs.