随着内华达州立法机关推动加速器的推动,NV Energy将不断提高其在内华达州历史上最大的高压输电线项目上的努力。

2.5美元的-billion Greenlink Nevada project aims to strengthen the electrical grid, reduce carbon emissions, promote renewable energy development and position the state as a major exporter of clean energy. It calls for approximately 580 miles of 525-kV lines that will link Las Vegas and Reno with new solar fields and geothermal plants.

该提议在2021年内华达州立法会议的衰落小时内得到了提高,参议院第448号法案的阵亡将士纪念日通过,这是一项广泛的措施,可以加快该州向清洁能源生产和电动汽车使用的转向。作为简化批准过程的回报,该立法呼吁在2028年之前完成内华达州的格林林克斯(Greenlink Nevada),比公司宣布的时间表提前三年。


全州链接:The plan calls for approximately 580 miles of 525- kV lines that will link Las Vegas and Yerington, just southeast of Reno, with new solar fields and geothermal plants.
图像由NV Energy提供

当他在6月10日签署该法案时,州长史蒂夫·西索拉克(Steve Sisolak)表示,这将“帮助确保内华达州作为可再生能源领导者的地位,同时帮助我们实现气候目标并创造就业机会。”

The Berkshire Hathaway Energy-owned electric utility, which serves Las Vegas, Reno and much of the rest of the state, announced the project in early 2020 and received regulatory approval this spring to begin construction of the first phase.

其中包括在耶林顿(Yerington)的里诺(Reno)东南部建造一个变电站,以及进入城市的525 kv线,链接到南部300英里的阿马戈萨山谷(Amargosa Valley)的太阳能田。施工计划于2024年开始,并于2026年完成。

The second phase was already in the preliminary design and permitting stage when lawmakers voted to speed up the project. SB448 moves up the second phase to begin construction in 2026 and be completed by 2028, subject to regulatory approval.

NV Energy副总裁Carolyn Barbash说:“这是一个雄心勃勃的允许和建设时间表。”


The transmission lines are expected to allow for the development of 5,000 MW of renewable energy projects, according to the utility, as the state moves to meet its goal of net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. Putting the system in place could attract $10 billion in private investment in renewable energy, says state Sen. Chris Brooks, (D-Las Vegas), who sponsored the legislation.

Greenlink Nevada project

增强网格:2.5美元的-billion Greenlink Nevada project aims to strengthen the electrical grid and promote renewable energy development.
Image courtesy of Pixabay


内华达州西部经济发展联盟的总裁兼首席执行官迈克·卡兹米尔基(Mike Kazmierski)说:“我们长期解决了我们的权力需求。”“这将帮助我们满足日益增长的需求,并使绿色能源更容易获得。”

自大萧条结束以来,里诺地区吸引了特斯拉和松下,到达附近Storey County的Gigafactory,并成为Apple,Ebay,Google和Switch使用的渴望强大数据中心的所在地。

Many of these tech businesses make their investments contingent on access to renewable energy, such as Apple’s purchase of energy from Turquoise Solar, a 61-MW solar plant at the Reno Technology Park that went online earlier this year.

The city has benefited even more as companies shorten supply chains and boost onshore production in response to the pandemic and trade disputes, says Brian Bonnenfant, project manager for the Center for Regional Studies at the University of Nevada, Reno.


卡罗琳·巴巴什(Carolyn Barbash)

- NV Energy传输发展和政策副总裁Carolyn Barbash

Sunny Outlook

内华达州的Greenlink Nevada Propothers设想该项目是该州的催化剂,该项目每年拥有200多个阳光充足的日子和积极的地热资源,以成为清洁能量的出口商。新线路将位于联邦指定的西方能源走廊中,该走廊连接整个地区。
The second phase of the project will travel east to west, generally along U.S. Highway 50 from central Nevada to Reno. The two phases will connect with the existing One Nevada line from Las Vegas into central Nevada, creating a triangle of high-capacity lines running through the middle of the state.


该公用事业公司尚未提交与该项目有关的税率,该公用事业公司计划以更有效的可再生能源降低能源成本来抵消内华达州Greenlink Nevada的投资成本。新利18备用官网登录

Barbash说:“ NV Energy具有良好的往绩。”他指出,尽管网格和产能的扩展和燃煤电厂的退休,但今天的内华达州的电率比2009年低于2009年。“我想到的很少的事情比十年前的成本要低。”

NV Energy估计该工会建设项目的建设最终会产生6.9亿美元的经济活动,并为近4,000个工作岗位提供支持。

An International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers official predicts “transmission work will ramp up” nationally with the current focus on infrastructure, but Greenlink Nevada should not face staffing concerns because it’s further along in development.


SUN SPOT:Reno Technology Park的61兆瓦太阳能场Turquoise Solar今年早些时候上网。它在2018年正在建设中显示。
Image courtesy of Sumitomo Corp. of Americas

Ibew Local 1245的助理业务经理Hunter Stern说:“ GreenLink是该国最早向该国推进的传新利18备用网址输基础设施项目之一。”

The project’s focus on strengthening Nevada’s clean-energy infrastructure heartens some in the environmental movement—to a point.

内华达州生物多样性中心主任帕特里克·唐纳利(Patrick Donnelly)说,该组织“全部”远离化石燃料,但他担心该项目的环境影响,尤其是与里诺(Reno)和内华达州农村(Ren Nevada)联系的北腿。

唐纳利说,有超过90%的绿色内华达州穿越联邦土地,土地管理监管机构应大量了解与内华达州Greenlink Nevada传输线相邻的发电设施所带来的影响。

“There is no spatial planning going on,” he says. “The BLM never takes a systematic look at these things; they look at it on a project-by-project basis.”
Donnelly promises that his group will “be the ones in court trying to fight the bad projects after the permits are granted.”
