Richard L. Abramson

Lee McIntire,a veteran executive of Bechtel Corp. and CH2M and a board member of contractor McDermott, was named as that firm''s interim CEO on June 7 following the resignation of大卫·迪克森(David Dickson)自2013年以来一直担任首席执行官。该公司没有陈述迪克森离开的原因,也不是常设首席执行官搜索是否受到了。

麦金太尔去年加入了公司董事会。从2015年到2018年,他曾担任Terrapower LLC的首席执行官,这家核反应堆设计公司由Microsoft创始人Bill Gates创立,并担任CH2M Hill的董事长,首席执行官和总裁。从2006年到2014年的先前名称,之后Ralph Peterson。现在,工程服务公司是Jacobs的一部分。McIntire还是Bechtel执行副总裁兼董事。

Under Dickson, McDermott emerged from bankruptcy in June 2020 as a private company, shedding $4.6 billion of debt and with more than $2.9 billion in credit and loans. The contractor also said it elevatedSamik Mukherjee给执行副总裁兼首席运营官。他此前曾领导该公司的全球业务,担任集团高级副总裁,并于2018年从Technipfmc加入该公司,他担任执行副总裁

Terrapower在6月2日表示,它将在怀俄明州的一个前煤炭发电厂宣布与公用事业Pacificorp和State Gov. Mark Gordon一起宣布,其Natrium Advanced核电技术的345兆瓦示范项目是由GE Hitachi开发的。。该公司说,该项目将是“一家功能齐全的发电厂,旨在验证Natrium技术的设计,构建和运营功能。”估计耗资10亿美元,其设计,许可,采购和建设将由Bechtel管理。

Maria Lehman

玛丽亚·雷曼(Maria Lehman),2022 - 23年任期美国土木工程师学会主席说,她打算“现在就正确地成为该行业中的一些错误,并真正使我们成为我们本应成为的领导者。

她目前是国家财务主管,她还是澳大利亚工程师GHD的美国基础设施总监,并且曾担任纽约州Thruway管理局的首席运营官兼执行董事。也争夺该职位的是Peter Moore,佛罗里达州顾问陈·摩尔(Chen Moore and Associates)的总裁。

As part of elections, ASCE voting members failed to pass a constitutional amendment to grant student members voting rights, with the 66.5% in favor short of the required two-thirds approval needed.


亚特兰大设计公司Cooper Carry已提升凯尔·里斯(Kyle Reis)to president and CEO. Formerly head of its urban design and planning studio, he succeedsKevin Cantley现在,主席。里斯也是一个顾问委员会director of the Urban Land Institute Atlanta chapter. Cooper Carry, which says it is Atlanta’s largest design firm, also has Washington, D.C., and New York City offices. It ranks at No. 229 on ENR’s Top 500 Design Firms list, reporting $72.3 million in 2020 revenue

Richard L. Abramson

理查德·艾布拉姆森(Richard L. Abramson),74, cofounding partner of national construction law firm Peckar & Abramson P.C., died suddenly on May 29, said the River Edge, N.J., practice, which did not disclose the cause of his death.

他于1978年成立的公司Robert S. Peckar,也represented banking, manufacturing, retail and real estate clients.

Abramson served as lead counsel in more than 30 cases, according to the firm, and was cited numerous times as a Super Lawyer in New York and New Jersey.