
The T&I Committee cleared the bill, the Investing in a New Vision for the Environment and Surface Transportation (INVEST) in America Act, early in the morning of June 10, on a 38-26 vote. Just two Republicans voted for the legislation, joining 36 Democrats.

[查看委员会法案摘要here,逐节故障hereand bill texthere。]

委员会主席Peter Defazio(D-Ore。)指出,一些运输基础设施的历史可以追溯到艾森豪威尔政府时期。达达齐奥说:“这已经磨损了。”“需要更换,重建,现代化。”

But he also said the committee bill would be "transformative," not just a continuation of the status quo. DeFazio said one aim of the legislation is to deal with climate change, which he called the "existential threat" of the 21st Century.

But the committee's top Republican, Sam Graves of Missouri, recalled last year's transportation bill, also drafted by Democrats. That bill cleared the House but went no further. Graves said the new bill moves even further away from GOP positions. He called it "My Way or the Highway—Part Two."

Highway, Transit, Rail Funds



Transit would receive $109 billion, which Democrats say is a record sum.

In addition, the legislation would provide $95 billion for passenger and freight rail, including $32 billion for Amtrak, triple the railroad’s current funding.

The next step for the measure is a vote on the House floor.


美国土木工程师协会主席让·路易斯·布里亚德(Jean-Louis Briaud)在一份声明中说:“该法案提供了资金水平的重要提高,以解决项目积压,确保急需的稳定性,并更加关注安全性,气候变化和弹性的影响。”。

Former U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood said in astatement, “While it would have been preferable for the bill to be crafted and approved by both Democrats and Republicans, INVEST does represent significant investment in America’s surface transportation infrastructure.”

LaHood, also a former Republican U.S. House member, pointed particularly to the measure's funding boost for freight and passenger rail and a provision to establish a test program for mileage-based user fees, which some see as a way to supplement or perhaps replace the federal motor-fuels taxes. LaHood now is co-chair of advocacy group Building America's Future.

Michele Stanley, National Stone, Sand & Gravel Association vice president of government and regulatory affairs, noted the bill's $32 billion for bridge repair and reconstruction and its additional $14.7 billion above the fiscal 2021 enacted levels to help state departments of transportation cover revenue shortfalls they have experienced during the pandemic.


[查看ENR新利18备用 5/26/2021参议院委员会法案的故事here。]


David Bauer, American Road & Transportation Builders Association president and chief executive officer, said in astatementafter the House committee’s vote, “Signs of progress toward passage of a multi-year federal transportation investment package are undeniable.”

But Bauer pointed out that the current transportation measure is due to expire on Sept. 30. "Time is short," he said.