
众议院运输和基础设施投入tee (T&I) on June 9 approved one major measure, authorizing $50 billion over five years for wastewater, sewer-overflow and other water infrastructure projects.

The House committee cleared the water infrastructure bill on a 42-25 vote. It was somewhat bipartisan, with five Republicans joining Democrats as “aye” votes.

但是该小组的共和党顶级成员密苏里州的萨姆·格雷夫斯(Sam Graves)批评民主党多数派,因为不包括许多共和党的优先事项。

A key part of the T&I bill is its record $40 billion over five years for the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (SRF), a principal source of federal aid for wastewater treatment infrastructure projects. The legislation also reauthorizes the SRF program for the first time since its creation, in 1987.

Committee Chair Peter DeFazio (D-Ore.) said in a statement, "The bill represents a renewal of the federal commitment to invest in our wastewater infrastructure and address local water quality challenges and it's long overdue."


The Senate is further along than the House on water infrastructure legislation. On April 29, the full Senate approved a bipartisan five-year $35-billion water measure by an 89-2 vote.

But the Senate bill authorizes only $14.65 billion for Clean Water SRFs, less than half of the amount in the House T&I bill.


Adam Krantz, National Association of Clean Water Agencies chief executive officer, praised the House committee's action on the wastewater legislation.

Krantz said in a statement that "it is clear that both chambers of Congress are working hard to deliver robust funding and support to America's public clean water sector in advance of President Biden's comprehensive infrastructure package."
