By 2022, the U.S. Department of Education estimates thatjob openings in highway construction and maintenance,as well other transportation-related occupations, will be 68% higher than the number of people currently in training to fill those positions. On top of that, four out of 10预计美国建筑工人将退休by 2031. To address the ongoing and anticipated shortage of workers, the industry must cultivate the next generation of skilled construction laborers. But attracting young people to careers in construction is an uphill battle, as millennials and Gen Z are more interested in four-year degrees and white-collar jobs.



多年来,军方在吸引年轻新兵方面存在类似的问题。年轻人对军队职业的看法也呼应了他们对建筑的一些看法,理由是这项工作太危险了,其他领域更具吸引力。但是,尽管如此,军方似乎成功地吸引了勉强的年轻候选人。在2020年,军队报告说exceeded its 2019 recruitment goals


考虑到他们共享的图像问题,如果建筑部门要borrow from the military’s recruiting playbook,它可能会经历同样的成功。军方专注于建筑业可以轻松采用的三种策略。


作为数字当地人,千禧一代和Z世代的成长是快速发展的技术。他们更喜欢非正式的经验学习环境,并且习惯于做出现场数据驱动的决策。陆军通过许多举措,包括其在蓬勃发展的竞争游戏领域竞争的电子竞技团队,成功地利用了年轻人对游戏和体验学习的亲和力,并美国军队,,,,a free video game that gives players a realistic idea of what combat is like. Due to the game’s success, other branches of the military have adopted gaming and simulation programs to reach and train new recruits.


To learn how 17 colleges and universities are helping to train the next
generation of skilled construction workers,


70%的年轻人担心他们至少缺乏一些必要的技能在劳动力中保持相关性as technology advances. The Army combatted this concern with its “What’s Your Warrior” campaign, which demonstrates the wide variety of options that a military career offers, including technology-enabled roles in science, technology, engineering, and math.

To attract young adults who are concerned about their future job prospects, the construction industry needs to change the perception that construction work revolves around hard hats, hammers, and hard work. New innovations likeTrimble SiteVision,一种增强的现实工具,允许利益相关者在其实际视觉环境中可视化设计,从而改变了建筑工作的性质。投资创新工具的AEC专业人员通过为年轻人提供了他们想要使用的技术和需要保持相关性的技术,从而获得了竞争性招聘优势。

3. Improve safety with technology


Similarly, technology like theTrimble XR10 with HoloLens 2,,,,a mixed reality solution that makes it possible to train workers in a controlled environment, isimproving construction safety。Trimble还与波士顿动力学合作以整合发现机器人狗借助3D激光扫描,可以在高风险环境中安全地收集站点数据和其他自动化任务的性能。通过使用此类安全增强技术,AEC专业人员将安全直接嵌入其工作流程中,而不是将其视为事后思考或单独的倡议。

Using Connected Construction to Attract the Next Generation of Skilled Construction Workers

尽管建筑业采用新技术的速度很慢,但已经有各种各样的创新来塑造建筑工作的未来。除了提高工作场所的安全性,效率和协作外,这些工具还可以帮助克服建筑行业的图像问题并吸引高质量的候选人。通过采用和突出显示连接的建筑技术,,,,construction firms can offer young people the exposure and training they need to build long-lasting, gratifying careers.
