
The Biden Administration has the right idea overall in terms of a Go Big infrastructure initiative, but three months into the process, it is leaking political capital at a mortal pace.

This happens with every Administration, but President Joe Biden and team promised that it wouldn’t happen this time—and it is still not too late. Industry must step in and guide the process toward the overall goal—and it is urgent—to develop key building blocks of a sustained, well-financed and world-class initiative.


In my new book想象:Our Strategic Infrastructure Roadmap Forward,,,,I highlight a handful of key themes that are critical to a successful infrastructure initiative. These I identified by examining successful programs around the world built on having the right players at the table, robust funding, disruptive leadership and proactive policy—with digitization, electrification and innovative technology also as vital components.

什么伟大的基础设施确实为什么每个se themes is critical—is that it brings people together around hope for better lives, increased work opportunities and a vision of a more prosperous future.

My favorite current example of the power of great infrastructure is the magnificent new Moynihan Station at New York City’s Penn Station rail hub. I visited it last week. The station is set to catalyze revitalization of its aging west Manhattan neighborhood. Infrastructure investment creates shared public good—which we can see, touch and benefit from—and it gives us a tactile measure of our progress in creating that better future.

Looking at these key themes, it is valuable—and very urgent—to insist that the infrastructure community be at the table to maintain focus and breathe life into the Biden initiative.


It is an unforced error that slows everything down to focus on taxes as a way to pay for long-term infrastructure investment. The president is recognizing that fact.

前财政部长拉里·萨默斯(Larry Summers)在最近的一篇文章中指出,这种方法的几种危险之一 - “目前由未来税收筹集的支出可能会进一步刺激已经过度过热的经济。”团结融资问题并吸引所有人的一种方法是,将我们的储蓄投入到战斗中,直接将30万亿美元的养老基金资产中的一些用于泵浦Prime的战略投资。

A real initiative requires new rules of the game and a game- changing policy direction.The objective of policy must be to create trust around project funding and execution. The Biden infrastructure initiative is not strong enough in this area.


Successful infrastructure initiatives shift the landscape, creating a new model for getting projects done.


Public sector executives, the finance community and business leaders—specifically in engineering and construction and including technology innovators—all come together in a "golden triangle" to get things done. They build success-based relationships that last for years, even a lifetime, and gain strength as they move from one successful project to the next.

New Rules of the Game

A real initiative requires new rules of the game and a game-changing policy direction. The objective of policy must to create trust around project funding and execution. The Biden infrastructure initiative is not strong enough in this area.

Users and taxpayersneed to believethat projects will be built on time and on budget. Small, large and especially institutional investorsneed to knowthat approvals will be efficient and predictable. And everyone需要信任所有参与的人都是高度称职,实用和承诺的。


在任何现代行业中,创新都是至关重要的,但对于下一代基础设施至关重要。所有事物的数字化和电气化(从触觉到雷达到智能雷达)都驱动了格林菲尔德的新级别和类型的性能andbrownfield projects.


To create the new reality, industry must step in to put some necessary spine into the bipartisanship ideal. The drift to politicization creates three toxic realities: the long view so critical for infrastructure is lost; the bureaucracy, with its capacity to mortally gum up the works, is confused; and investment channels that are so allergic to election cycle uncertainty, dry up. We cannot allow this.


We need mechanisms on the public side that propel ready two-way conversation and rapid action—based on real authority.


There should be a Strategic Infrastructure Office created immediately in the White House that brings everyone together, provides disruptive leadership, shapes policy, drives innovative financing and really listens to what industry and all stakeholders have to say. Without it, the administration’s effort to construct a U.S. infrastructure program that is sustained, globe-leading and able to truly reshape our economy will not reach the potential that all of us envision.

Norman Anderson is chairman and CEO of CG/LA Infrastructure, a Washington, D.C.-based strategy and project development firm. He is a frequent speaker on global infrastructure issues and author of the just-published book想象:Our Strategic Infrastructure Roadmap Forward,,,,available now in print and digital versions atAmazonand other outlets. Anderson can be reached