

The remainder of the 145-mile New England Clean Energy Connect project now is being built in an existing corridor owned by its developer, Central Maine Power.

The Boston appeals court rejected the request for an injunction by the Sierra Club, Maine Natural Resources Council and other groups, which are suing the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for approving a portion of the project that falls under its purview.


“Now that the injunction on segment one has been lifted, Maine workers are being organized and reporting to their assignments to begin the next phase of building .... the clean energy project,” said Thorn Dickinson, president of New England Clean Energy Connect.

The project is being funded by Massachusetts utilities and their ratepayers. Like other states, Massachusetts is scrambling to meet new goals to cut carbon emissions and convert its grid to clean energy.

现在大约有470名工人在现场的planned transmission corridor, said Dickinson, with the project projected to employ up to 1,600 a year as it ramps up toward completion, set for spring of 2023. Work had started in February in the existing corridor.

主要项目承包商是北部清算,IRBY,Cianbro和Sargent Electric。在项目许可证的条件下,工作人员将不得不在7月和8月开始砍伐树木,以免破坏生活在森林中并正在学习飞行的新生蝙蝠。


反对者发誓要提起这一决定。缅因州自然资源委员会发言人科林·杜兰特(Colin Durrant)表示:“我们对上诉法院对初步禁令的裁决感到非常失望,但我们将继续提起诉讼。”


Opponents must show that the Corps not only erred in its narrower environmental review but also that the decision was "arbitrary, capricious and an abuse of discretion,” the appeals court said, providing some support for the agency’s reasons for not undertaking a project-wide review based on a definition of its limited permitting jurisdiction.



Hydro-Québec总裁兼首席执行官Sophie Brochu希望将水力发电送入新英格兰电网及其他地区,他指责竞争的石油和天然气行业的利益,以帮助筹集资金努力,以获得缅因州投票上的反交易走廊的公投。但是,该公司还受到缅因州立法者自己的支出,以建立对传输走廊的公众支持的挑战。


Meanwhile, Hydro Quebec eyes added work farther south. A proposal submitted earlier this month would build a transmission line to carry power to New York City. The firm submitted a proposal with partner Transmission Developers Inc. to supply the city with up to 1,250 MW of renewable power, said Brochu, an energy economist who previously ran natural gas distributor Énergir.

The firms plan to develop the Champlain Hudson Power Express, an estimated $2.2-billion transmission line that would link Hydro-Québec hydropower facilities and possibly include upstate renewable generation to New York City, in response to a New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) procurement.

他们在一份声明中说,传输线是唯一允许的项目,并能够在2021年开始建设并在2025年开始运营。传输线将全部在地下或在水下,起源于魁北克南部,在尚普兰湖和哈德森湖下路线。和哈林河(Harlem Rivers)到皇后区阿斯托里亚(Astoria)的变电站。

The line will be built using union labor and has committed to hiring from the local workforce, with expanded recruitment and training for disadvantaged communities and for those employed in the fossil-fuel sector.

Another developer that has announced involvement is Rise Light and Power, a Queens, N.Y.-based firm that proposes the Catskills Renewable Connector, which would transport upstate solar and wind power to the city through a transmission line that would enter the Hudson River south of Albany.


尼塞尔达尚未确定所有潜在竞标者的清单,但《奥尔巴尼时报》(Albany Times-Union)表示有14个。