Judging from the dismay that apparently helped convince the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration to change its guidelines for employer-required COVID-19 vaccines—unlike the original guidelines, the latest revision won’t require employers to record adverse reactions in OSHA logs—the industry should keep a sharp eye out for what’s still to come from the agency.


Having a separate COVID-19 log would prevent COVID cases from instantly altering the overall safety picture of a project or company, especially since we know COVID-19 spread and its causes may not reflect a lapse on the part of the employer.

Determining the difference between a recordable injury or illness and a reportable one, however, can involve subjective judgements.


Reportables, in contrast, require immediate notification to OSHA and have more severe consequences as far as medical treatment and inability to return immediately to work. The overall safety record is important in qualifying contractors for new projects and may help company managers gain higher compensation if they win those projects.


Keeping them on the same page benefits everyone.


The idea is based partly on reports of employer difficulties, and long hours spent, to determine whether the COVID-19 cases among employees are work-related and belong in the employer OSHA 300 Logs. This separate-record approach would not prevent inspection. The COVID-19 cases would be kept confidential but made available to employees or their representatives with personal identity information scrubbed. No party other than OSHA and local or regional health officials would have access to the separate record.


But having a separate COVID-19 log would prevent virus cases from instantly altering the overall safety picture at a particular project or workplace. This is especially true because, as we know, COVID-19 spread and its causes may not reflect a lapse on the part of an employer.


With vaccination proving successful and COVID-19 science providing new insights, we look forward to the eventual sunset of the temporary emergency standard and a fresh understanding of how to deal with this public health crisis, even if it was achieved after 586,000 U.S. deaths.

这篇社论是5月2日更新6, 2021 to reflect the latest change in OSHA guidance.