The Biden administration has announced several initiatives to curb carbon emissions through improved performance of both public and private buildings.

“Decarbonizing buildings is a big task, but it’s an essential task and we all recognize the benefits are worth the hard work it will take to get there,” said Michael Regan, administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, during a joint roundtable May 17 to announce the new programs.


环境质量委员会将领导与EPA,美国总服务管理局和美国能源部的机构间努力。“建立指标,目标和跟踪方法,以实现联邦碳排放目标,”代理GSA管理员Katy Kale说。“凭借我们巨大的建筑足迹,联邦政府正处于一个独特的榜样。”

No specifics or timelines were provided, but the group plans to identify progressive performance milestones to meet its goals. Last month, GSA renewed its commitment to 100% renewable energy for all government owned buildings by 2025.

In January, President Joe Biden signed an executive order that targets achieving a carbon pollution-free power sector by 2035 with the goal of a net-zero economy by 2050.

As part of its efforts to achieve low and no-emission buildings, DOE’s Better Buildings Initiative in coordination with Dept. of Housing and Urban Development named 55 commercial, industrial and multifamily organizations to participate in a new Low-Carbon Buildings Pilot program.


EPA's Regan estimates that these updates could generate energy cost savings of $11 billion a year and help avoid one-third of annual greenhouse gas emissions from U.S. homes and apartments.


DOE will also commit up to $30 million in technical assistance and funding awards to support organizations–including unions, trade associations, and educational institutions–that train workers to support development and construction of high-performance buildings.

能源部长詹妮弗·格兰霍尔姆(Jennifer Granholm)说:“我们将发展世界一流的国内建筑劳动力。”