A Spanish contractor is picking up the pieces of a failed Brazilian contract to build the São Paulo metro’s sixth line, “Orange,” under the region’s largest public-private partnership. The company inherited the 15.3-kilometer tunnel project, which had been mothballed since 2016, along with Chinese-built tunnel-boring machines from a maker that is now out of business.

总部位于马德里的Acciona S.A.正在动员Orange Line的9.4米DIA上的工作。双轨,单口径隧道,将连接从北部维拉·巴西恩迪亚(VilaBrasilândia)的15个新的地下车站连接到南部的圣华奎姆(SãoJoaquim)。项目总监Lucio Matteucci说,凭借高达69 m的电台,建筑深度和在多个方面进行快速工作的需求是主要挑战。


安迅能捡起从原始项目有限公司mpany, Concessionária Move São Paulo S.A., which halted work in September 2016. It had completed about 10% of the total construction after 19 months’ work, according to a São Paulo state government spokesman.

该公司由三个承包商控制,Odebrecht Transport S.A.和Grupo QueirozGalvãoS.A。持有每个约20%,UTC Engenharia S.A.占13%以上。金融投资者控制了余额。

As sole bidder for the contract, Concessionária Move São Paulo S.A. signed its 25-year P3 agreement in December 2013, which went into effect the following May. The project was then valued at $1.9 billion, which was to be financed equally by the state and Move.

在2015年3月开始发掘的一年内,该公司。已经建造了隧道衬里预制设施,并为1.5公里的隧道制造了足够的细分市场。然后,州长杰拉尔多·阿尔克明(Geraldo Alckmin)宣布计划于9月推出第一个TBM,随后是2017年初的第二台机器。

But after completing the TBM's 32-m-deep launch shaft by the River Tietê south of Freguesia do Ó station, in September 2016 Concessionária Move São Paulo S.A "reported the complete stoppage of civil works, alleging difficulties in obtaining long-term financing from the National Bank for Economic and Social Development,” says the state spokesman. In a statement, Odebrecht auditor Grant Thornton blamed Concessionária Move São Paulo S.A. financing difficulties partly on government delays in land expropriations.

However, the financing woes have been connected with charges of widescale corruption in public contracts against Odebrecht and others at the time. The official investigation, called “Car Wash” (Operação Lava Jato in Portuguese) resulted in该公司首席执行官Marcelo Odebrecht于2015年6月被捕and他的入狱在下三月

In 2018, the process of terminating the concession agreement started, with an August 2019 deadline. But rather than rebidding the deal, the government looked for another company to buy the concession agreement from Move. “This meant that there was no expense…or the need to have other resources to take over the paralyzed enterprise,” explains the state spokesman.

Postponing the termination until February 2020, the state negotiated with various interested groups, including an unsuccessful one led by China Railway Engineering Corp. Ltd.

Meeting all the requirements, Acciona won the right to take over the concession and outlined terms with Concessionária Move São Paulo S.A., to whom the state had paid $131 million for completed civil construction, says the spokesman. The company paid the state a penalty of $9.6 million and, received reportedly around $40 million from Acciona. Until CLU took over, Move was caretaker of the idle sites.


Accionawas CLU's sole shareholder until this January, when the France-based investment fund STOA S.A. took a 12.3% holding, committing $60 million for construction. STOA also helped shape the contract “to international project finance standards and suited to welcome a non-recourse long-term financing,” noted the fund’s CEO Charles-Henri Malécot.

While CLU looks for co-investors to complete its equity and debt, it is relying on short term loans to finance Acciona as the contractor builds up activity at 10 sites, says Matteucci.

Accionawill excavate 10 stations with sprayed concrete lining method while five stations in hard rock will also require drill and blast. Shallower areas will be in cut-and-cover. Of the 18 large shafts, the contractor will begin sinking the deepest one, the 62 m x 13 m dia. Mato Grosso, next April. All this “highly synchronized advance” depends on getting the two mothballed TBMs into action, according to Acciona. But not even this task is simple.

自从提供10.55 m-Dia地球压力平衡(EPB)机器以来,法国的NFM Technologies退出了TBM制造业务。该公司于2018年在其所有者Northern重工集团有限公司(Ltd.NFM的德国买家本身随后陷入困境,最终于去年9月将公司交给法国BMS集团。

Now named NFM Engineering, the company offers tunneling advice, site support and machine spares for its few TBMs still in operation, including the São Paulo pair, says design manager Julien Bouilloux.

虽然NFM的备件来源安迅能machines, the contractor has hired the German TBM maker Herrenknecht A.G., to upgrade the São Paulo units and get them working, says Matteucci. He expects the southern TBM to set off late this year, followed by the northern machine early in 2022, five years after originally planned.

For the 9.5-km-long south drive, the closed-faced EPB tunneler will bore through mixtures of sedimentary formations and hard rock. The north drive’s EPB will be able to function also in open mode as it moves through 5 km of mainly rock. The north drive's final 800 m will be excavated with SCL.

While reviving the metro sites, Acciona has assembled a workforce of about 1,000, says Matteucci. And as it winds down work on its tunnel contract on Ecuador’s Quito metro, the company is transferring employees to São Paulo. By this year’s end, Matteucci expects the Orange line’s workforce to reach 4,000, when more than 30 sites will have swung into operation.