总统乔·拜登(Joe Biden)与主要参议院共和党人就基础设施立法的讨论预计将在本周继续进行,其目的是缩小双方最初提议之间的巨大差距。





After the May 13 meeting, which included top GOP Senators on committees that oversee infrastructure-related sectors, Biden said, “I laid out what I thought we should be doing, and how it should be paid for.”

According to Biden, Republican senators “said they'll come back to me with a counteroffer of what they are prepared to do and fund, and how to fund it, and then we'll talk again next week.”

Sen. Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.), who has been the Senate GOP point person on infrastructure, told reporters after the May 13 session, “We had a very productive, more-than-courteous give and take."


She said, "We’re very encouraged," adding Biden was "very much desirous of striking a deal."

Key unresolved issues include what infrastructure sectors should be covered, an overall price tag for the measure and—perhaps toughest of all—what revenue sources to tap to pay for the package.

Biden has proposed funding his plan by partially rolling back the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act's reduction in the corporate tax rate.



McConnell said both he and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) "made that clear to the president." McConnell added, "That's our red line."

There has been talk of drawing on user fees to finance the package. The current federal user fee that brings in the most revenue is the 18.4¢ per gallon gasoline tax.

Biden has pledged not to raise taxes on those earning less than $400,000 a year. "That is still a red line," White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said in her May 14 briefing. Psaki added, "User fees that have been proposed out there would violate that."



运输秘书安东尼·福克斯(Anthony Foxx。”


Foxx was referring to Democrats' ability to use the budget reconciliation mechanism to allow for Senate passage with a bare majority.

“我可以看到(白宫)分手some pieces of the large package into bite size-chunks—some of which would pass with bipartisan support, some of which may not," he said.

美国政府关系副总统吉米·克里斯蒂安森(Jimmy Christianson)在一次采访中说:“我认为,您认为对谈判的兴趣很大,这是白宫的迹象表明可能没有目前,一致一致的50名招聘者投票大道通过和解通过了基础设施法案。因此,这也许是找到两党发展道路的一种方式。”


Christianson said that would be "a better outcome for the construction industry more broadly than something that’s written by one party."

Highway-Transit Bill

Meanwhile, work is proceeding in the House Transportation and Infrastructure and Senate Environment and Public Works committees on a new bill to reauthorize federal highway and transit programs, either as a stand-alone measure or as part of a bigger package.

Sean O’Neill, Portland Cement Association senior vice president for government affairs, said in an interview the White House-GOP infrastructure discussions and the progress on a highway-transit bill in Congress are signs of progress. "It offers encouragement that action on infrastructure [legislation] can be achieved at some point this summer.”

He said the scope and total funding levels that might emerge from the Biden-GOP talks aren't clear, "but the willingness of both sides ... to negotiate is encouraging."

According to Christianson, Senate and House committee leaders have said they want to see their panels approve their respective surface transportation bills by Memorial Day. But he added, “We see that deadline slipping some, into June."