长一个航空愿景,都没来的遗迹to fruition, Kansas City International Airport is joining the single-terminal world in a big way.

Twenty-five 135-ft-long, 80,000-lb steel box beams extend from the back wall of the new KCI head house to the departures area. Those giant beams form part of the roof for the drop-off area of the largest and most expensive single infrastructure project in Kansas City history.

Below the 800-ft-long head house, an elevated roadway that needed its own concrete reinforcement columns complicated installation of the box beams and the steel Y-columns that hold them up.

“你有三分的联系,一个英航ck of the head house and the two points of a Y-column with a significant cantilever to cover the curbside drop-off,” says Mark Goodwin, vice president with Clark Construction Group and operations leader for the KCI Airport single terminal project. “It’s a significant architectural element and a lot of time was spent studying the structure and how to design it, but then [also] how to build it. This is the only area where we had to leave out slab-on-grade work until after we erected the steel.”

Before the box beams could be installed, the Clark/Weitz/Clarkson design-build joint venture contractor delivering the project had to erect one precast concrete wall of the head house, much like first building a load-bearing interior wall before what goes around it in a Lego house.

克拉克建筑公司的建筑主管,KCI项目的现场运营负责人克里斯·史密斯(Chris Smith)说:“头屋的前门是预制的 - 整个长度。”“实际上,我们进来并将所有预制面板放在无处的中间,暂时支撑它们,然后在顶部竖起所有这些。如果我们首先建造道路并竖起Y柱,那么我们就无法进入那堵墙。”

史密斯说,克拉克/魏茨/克拉克森放置了其级光束,并锚定了面板并固定了面板,以便他们自己站起来,直到head屋的其余部分,钢Y-Columns和Fabricator ADF International的盒子横梁可以交付。

Y柱从蒙特利尔分成两片,将其放在现场并举起一块。一旦Head House墙壁和所有Y柱都到位,就可以将盒子梁抬到三个接触点中,并由Steel Irector National Steel City焊接到位。必须重复25列和横梁向下的头部和悬臂屋顶的横梁重复。这种复杂的钢勃起只是设计建造承包商面临的挑战之一。


In 2017, the voters of Kansas City, Mo., overwhelmingly decided to end the three-terminal experiment that had been Kansas City International Airport since it opened in 1972.


“Security was really a challenge, and it remains so with different gates with different security checkpoints,” says Daniel Moylan, who is managing the developer- led single-terminal KCI for Edgemoor Infrastructure and Real Estate. “It requires a lot more TSA employees and just a lot more effort to operate than you would with a single check-in terminal.”

After a contentious city council selection process and a November 2017 referendum approving their proposal, Edgemoor, the Kansas City Dept. of Aviation, SOM and Clark/Weitz/Clarkson got to work discussing what the residents of Kansas City wanted in both an airport and the workforce that delivered it.


The end product of meetings with all six city council voting districts in Kansas City resulted in a plan for 1.1 million sq ft of an H-shaped single terminal with 39 gates and 21 overnight plane parking spaces, a 6,300-space parking garage and airside and landside civil improvements for everything from electri- cal and water service for the new terminal to jet fuel lines. KCI’s airlines—including the biggest gate-holder, Southwest Airlines—agreed to entirely pay back the aviation department’s construction bonds for the project from gate fees and other airport revenue. AVAir- Pros represented Southwest, Delta, United, American and other airlines in negotiations with the Aviation Dept. for the use of lease agreement.

预计到2023年,新单终端的完成。JEDunn是负责停车场的分包商,Capital Electric和美国工程是主要的设计建造分包商。

“[A single terminal design] provides the best platform for expanded service,” says Derek Moore, the SOM director who led the design team. “They were hamstrung from growing due to the existing terminals. A single terminal will be way more efficient to operate for maintenance.”

SOM delivered an airy steel and glass design that would have made famed Bauhaus-style designer Ludwig Mies van der Rohe proud that a commitment to the international style still exists between Mexico City and Brasilia avenues in Kansas City. Moore says the design team wanted to still allow residents to wave at each other through glass walls, as is possible from the three smaller terminals, while creating more space for modern entertainment and security areas inside the airport. Another architecturally desirable aspect of the cantilevered box beam and Y support design is that it allows an 800-ft-long by 90-ft-wide clear base. There are no columns in the head house.

Because the single terminal is being built almost entirely on the existing terminal A site, it hasn’t affected ongoing operations of terminals B and C since construction began in 2019. The airport will still have land available for future expansion, including new runway capacity, once those older terminals are demolished. However, supporting a 1.1-million-sq-ft single terminal on land originally designed for Jetsons-style miniterminals created more challenges.


“The volume of water was a challenge that we had to focus on from the beginning of the design phase,” Goodwin says. “That was a utility that certainly had to go in early based upon its depth.”

In many ways, delivering the project via progressive design-build helped keep the many civil, steel, electrical and other tasks going early on while design for the building continued. It also helped when the pandemic hit in March 2020 and trade contractors had to maintain social distancing of workers.

“We were erecting steel that was going to be the steel that supported the curtain wall before we were at IFC [issued for construction] level for the rest of the building,” Goodwin says. “We were issuing foundation packages, followed by steel packages, followed by curtain wall packages in a progressive nature that really required an extraordinary or extreme amount of coordination between the design assist subcontractors and our design team.”

To handle the transfer of so much information, Clark/Weitz/Clarkson is using the level of development specification, a voluntary BIM methodology from the BIM Forum that puts a “level,” from conceptual to shop-drawing level of detail, on what’s contained in a model.

“We’ve got hand-offs with the architect of the architectural model to the subcontractor,” says Weitz Co. senior project manager Ben Bunge, who is in charge of coordination on the KCI project. “In some cases, our design-build subcontractor takes that information at anywhere from a Level 200 or up to Level 400.”

Bunge says Clark/Weitz/Clarkson is also working with Arora Engineers as an integrator to turn the design and construction team’s Revit models into operations and facilities maintenance models for the Kansas City Dept. of Aviation.

The project is on schedule to open in March 2023.

Building an MWBE Program That Builds

Various workforce enhancement programs at the Kansas City International Airport terminal project aim to deliver the project commitment of reinvesting up to about $23 million of its earnings into the local community to support diversity in the workforce and build the capacity of local small businesses owned by minorities and women. The programs at KCI include workforce training, a general contractor training program, a project internship program, transportation, extended-hours child care, onsite health care and four MWBE-specific support programs, and an MWBE-specific supplier support program.

“We have programs related to and that help to build the capacity of [MWBEs by means of] a strategic partnership program, a pay without delay program,” says Latoya Goree, executive director and onsite ombudsman for terminal workforce enhancement programs for Edgemoor and Clark/Weitz/Clarkson.

“We have loan programs, self-bonding,” Goree says. As far as support and an incubator space, the Kansas City strategic partnership program is actually a replica of Clark’s national program. That program is a sixmonth, staff professional development program.

Companies that enroll in the KCI program are interested in further growing their construction businesses as well as seeking to work on the project. To date, 102 individuals representing 95 firms have successfully completed the Kansas City SPP programs. Twenty graduates have successfully competed for contracts on the project totaling about $80 million.

Edgemoor and Clark/Weitz/Clarkson made a commitment to reach out beyond the normal union process of getting work on a typical Kansas City jobsite when doing their outreach meetings after being picked by the Kansas City Council for the project.

“Our workforce training program, in my opinion, is probably the most sensitive program because it relates to the workforce,” Goree says.

Workforce training through the KCI program is a three-week, soft skills training program that recruits individuals with little or no experience in the construction industry. It provides them an opportunity to learn a skilled trade and allows them to somewhat circumvent the regular process of union trade contractor training that many do not have access to, Goree explains.

“If you apply through your local trade union, you wait to get a sponsor or get hired by a contractor. You might be on a list for whoever knows how long,” Goree says. “So, with this program, individuals apply directly through our website. They complete the work key assessments to the full employment council and they’re entered and they’re invited to several subcontractor interview days that are with trade contractors working on the project. They all have a certain amount of sponsorships to sponsor workers to this program.”

Applicants are evaluated based on their own interests they specify and by the needs of the trades they’re interested in. Once they’ve been selected and ranked by subcontractor need, they are placed in a class that’s sponsored for a specific trade. During three weeks, they learn soft skills, training for OSHA 10 certification and first aid certification. They also learn job readiness skills, such as how to work on a team and financial literacy. They take a full week of applied math specific to their trade. Once they graduate from the program, they become first-year apprentices in their respective trade unions. So far, 88 people have graduated the program, and Goree expects 200 to graduate by the end of the project.


While the program has been widely accepted and applauded by both unions and the community, some trade unions have chosen not to participate in it.

“工会的景观in Kansas City is such that everyone has their own specific trade training program, apprenticeship program,” Goree says. “Some might feel that this is in direct competition to their programs. It is not, because we are not actually training individuals on a specific trade. We are helping them to enter the trade. So we hand them off to those specific trades to teach them the technical parts of their job. But yes, on the surface, there might be a few who feel it’s a bit off to them because trade unions want to stay as viable as any other place would.”

