拜登政府给了期待已久的最后一个pproval on May 11 to the first commercial scale offshore wind farm built in the U.S. and permitted in federal waters—the 800-MW Vineyard Wind project, set for construction off the coast of Massachusetts.

The $2.8-billion project's final green light had been expected in 2019但是被延迟了特朗普的最后一刻命令大大扩大其环境影响审查,随后是去年12月的许可程序停止。

拜登政府设定了一个目标,目的是在2030年之前在线拥有30 GW的美国离岸风能,重新启动了批准过程。

Vineyard Wind, a joint venture of Avangrid Renewables and Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners, won the first Massachusetts offshore wind solicitation in 2018. Its final approval from the U.S. Interior Dept. includes permits from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management and others.

A second Massachusetts project, the 804-MW Mayflower Wind being developed by Shell and EDF Renewables, will have its第一个公共论坛5月18日,它被放置在南塔基特岛以南20英里处的192平方英里的联邦租赁现场。


The company expects to reach financial close for the project in the second half of 2021, with construction then set to start that will include cable connections to a substation in Barnstable, Mass. It will begin operating in late 2023.

Tne project达成协议with the New England grid operator last October to connect its power supply.

葡萄园风的生理记录仪d of decision (ROD) "is not about the start of a single project, but the launch of a new industry," Lars Pedersen, CEO of Vineyard Wind said in a statement, noting the “long road” to reach the federal approval.

Good Neighbor

The project is approved for 84 wind turbines, but by using General Electric 13-MW capacity Haliade X turbine, it can can deliver 800 MW with 62 turbines, Vineyard Wind said. The turbines will be spaced one nautical mile apart in an array that was endorsed by the U.S. Coast Guard for fishing and navigational safety.

All major Vineyard Wind construction contracts with suppliers and contractors have been secured and the utility is finalizing "evaluation of optimal financing structures" including tax equity and project financing, Avangrid CEO Dennis Arriiola said in a May 6 earnings announcement.

“Wiith the ROD in hand, we can finally get started creating the good paying union jobs this project is going to bring to our state and region,” Frank Callahan, president of the Massachusetts Building Trades said. The project will be built under a project labor agreement, said U.S. Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo.

She was Rhode Island governor when the first U.S. offshore wind project, sized at 30 MW off the state's Block Island, was completed in 2017. A pilot 12-MW project also operates in federal waters off the Virginia coast.

Vineyard Wind已同意向马萨诸塞州和罗德岛捕鱼行业提供约3700万美元的损失,以损失收入,并在租赁区域内及其周围的运动。


Turbines will be located a minimum of 15 miles off the coast of Martha’s Vineyard and will be painted to reduce visual impacts to historical properties, project officials said.

Vineyard must still submit a facility design report and a fabrication and installation report, which provide specific details for how the project will be fabricated and installed following the company’s federally approved construction and operations plan.

Ready for More

同时。马萨诸塞州于5月10日宣布,IT计划授予另外两个项目的合同,该项目在12月,最大的单一招标中,总计高达1.6 gw。新利18备用网址

Bids are due by Sept. 23, with project selections set for Dec. 17, negotiated contracts by March 2022 and state approval by April 2022.

建筑将通过与三个电力公司的电力合同(Everysouce,National Grid and Unitil)一起融资。

That is in addition to the 1.6 GW now split between Vineyard Wind and the Mayflower Wind project, approved in 2019. The latter is set to operate by 2025.

The Baker administration said the larger contracts could bring costs down through economies of scale. Economic development potential and cost to ratepayers will be important factors in the selection, the state said.

马萨诸塞州海岸附近的租赁权限由葡萄园风,Equinor,Mayflower Wind和Bay State Wind持有,所有这些都可以争夺新合同。


New Massachusetts climate legislation enacted in March also requires utilities in the state to acquire an added 2.4 GW of offshore wind by 2027.


明年在纽约和康涅狄格州罗德岛附近的联邦和州海洋产能的大约3 GW也将拍卖。