
Local media reports said when wall construction was suspended in January by the Biden administration, levees were left with giant cuts that had been made to drive heavy equipment through so the wall could be built on the river side, including at least four breaks in Hidalgo County.


根据一份当地报告,军团官员表示,将需要一个月的时间召集承包商到现场,直到年底进行维修。但是,伊达尔戈县法官理查德·科尔特斯(Richard Cortez)和众议员亨利·库拉尔(Henry Cuellar)(D-TX)的压力在进行压力之后,工作开始了,他们立即开始新利18备用派遣县船员来做联邦维修工作。

不w work to fill in levee gaps is expected to take two weeks, with fixes of other levee damage to take as long as five months, Cortez said.




关于300 miles of levees were built on both sides of the river, which were completed in 1951. The system now includes 270 miles of levees in the U.S., 102 of which lie along the lower section of the river from Hidalgo County to the Gulf of Mexico. About 1 million people live in the protected region, the boundary commission says.


While not under federal control or part of any repair, a privately funded border wall built separately directly on the Rio Grande riverbank by federal border wall contractor Fisher Sand and Gravel is the subject of ongoing litigation between the U.S. government and the company, with a hearing held on May 5 in U.S. District Court in the southern district of Texas related to its construction.

The three-mile wall had shown signs of erosion and potential failure based on独立的工程分析去年进行,但费舍尔表示,他提出了结论,并承诺采取一些缓解步骤。费舍尔打算在特朗普政府期间将墙捐赠给联邦政府,但仍然是私有制。

Contracts Cancelled



The Associated Press said April 30 that $6.1 billion of the $10.8 billion in signed contracts had been spent, although the figure has not been made public. The Trump Administration said it had $15 billion to spend on the wall including funds appropriated by Congress and funds diverted from DOD and the Treasury Dept. The amount is reported actually to be closer to $16.5 billion, according to AP.

All wall construction on Corps-awarded contracts was scheduled to be completed in 2021 and by November 2022. The former president had intended to build 664 miles of wall, with 450 miles completed before he left office.

The most recent contract awards by the Corps were in September 2020.

截至2021年3月,Fisher Sand和Gravel拥有大约20亿美元的DOD资金合同;总部位于德克萨斯州加尔维斯顿的SLS Co.有14亿美元;BFBC,Bozeman,Mont。,Barnard Construction单位。有17亿美元;Kiewit单位西南谷建筑商拥有21亿美元;总部位于加利福尼亚州圣安娜的CJW合资企业有1.218亿美元;底特律的LGC承包商有4,700万美元。这些合同是针对亚利桑那州,新墨西哥州,加利福新利18备用网址尼亚和德克萨斯州的项目。

国土安全部尚未宣布军团代表其授予的合同的未来,并未回应Enr的查询。新利18备用这些合同主要位于里奥格兰德谷(Rio Grande Valley)和德克萨斯州拉雷多(Laredo)附近

As of March, Fisher Sand and Gravel had $298 million in DHS contracts awarded by the Corps; SLS had $446.5 million; SWV had $590.6 million; Southern Border Constructors, Farmingdale, N.Y., had $518.4 million; Gibraltar-Caddell joint venture, Montgomery, Ala., had $298 million; Randy Kinder Excavating, Dexter, Mo., had $153 million; Gideon Contracting, San Antonio, had $17.6 million; and Dawson Federal, Honolulu, had $15.2 million.




“We are actively working with border communities, elected officials, and Indigenous tribes across the borderlands to kickstart restoration,” Laiken Jordahl, borderlands campaigner for the Center of Biological Diversity, told ENR, saying that the Biden administration soon will announce a plan to mitigate damages and restore lands destroyed by its predecessor.